我是线程新手,我正试图在程序中使用它(硬件测试的前端),但是遇到了大量的时间延迟 - 显然我做错了。
中private void receiveHandler(object sender, DataStreamEventArgs e)
byte[] dataBytes = e.Response;
//throws it into a string
//parses the string with delimiters
//adds all items to a linked-list "queue"
private void OnTimedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
test.duration = ++tickCounter;
test.ampHoursOut = (test.ampHoursOut * 3600 + test.amperage * 1) / 3600;
sendToController("CH2.GETANALOG"); //repeat this line once for each sensor
private void backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker)sender;
while (!worker.CancellationPending)
//do a whole lot of logic
我的处理必须有很大的延迟。我想BackgroundWorker并没有赶上所有的信息。我每秒都要求提供信息(通过计时器),所以这可能需要放慢速度 - 但我希望有更新的信息每一秒都有准确的测试。
//variables used (added relevant ones so code is better understood)
private static System.Timers.Timer timer;
LinkedList<string> incomingData = new LinkedList<string>();
string lastDatum = "";
/// <summary>
/// Method that is called when serial data is received from the controller.
/// The data is received in bytes, converted to a string and parsed at each "::" which represents a new message.
/// The last 'item' from the data is saved and added to the front of the next set of data, in case it is incomplete.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void receiveHandler(object sender, DataStreamEventArgs e)
byte[] dataBytes = e.Response;
string data = lastDatum + System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(dataBytes); // reads the next available line coming from the serial port
UpdateDataTextbox(data); // prints it out for debuging purposes
lastDatum = ""; // just in case
char[] delimiters = new char[] { ':' }; // splits the data at the ":" symbol, deleting empty entries.
Queue<string> dataQueue = new Queue<string>(data.Split(delimiters,
while(dataQueue.Count > 1)
string str = dataQueue.Dequeue().Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Trim(); // remove all useless characters
if (str != "")
incomingData.AddLast(str); // add to a queue that can be accessed by the background worker for processing & outputting.
lastDatum = dataQueue.Dequeue(); // Last data item in a transmission may be incomplete "CH1.GETDA" and thus it is appended to the front of the next list of data.
/// <summary>
/// Background Worker thread will be used to continue testing the connection to the controller,
/// process messages in the incoming message queue (actually a linked list),
/// and sends new messages for updated data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker)sender;
while (!worker.CancellationPending)
if (!relayBoard.OpenConn())
MessageBox.Show("Connection to controller has been lost.");
testInterrupted = "Lost connection. Time = " + test.duration;
//update test time & Ah out
timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(tickCounter);
UpdateDurationTextbox(timeSpan.ToString()); // update display with duration
if (incomingData.Count > 0)
string dataLine = "";
dataLine = incomingData.First();
catch (System.InvalidOperationException emai)
break; //data hasn't come in yet, it will by the time this runs next.
if (dataLine.Contains("GET")) // some sensor values (analog/temp/digital) has come in
if (dataLine.Contains("GETANALOG")) // an analog value has come in
int index = dataLine.IndexOf("CH");
int pin = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(dataLine[index + 2]);
double value = 0;
int dataLineLength = dataLine.Length;
if (dataLineLength > 13) // value is appended to end of line
value = Convert.ToDouble(dataLine.Substring(13));
catch // can't convert to double
int index2 = dataLine.IndexOf("CH", 3);
if (index2 != -1) // there happen to be two sets of commands stuck together into one
string secondHalf = dataLine.Substring(index2);
else // value is on the next line
value = Convert.ToDouble(incomingData.First());
catch // can't convert to double
MessageBox.Show("Error occured: " + dataLine);
switch (pin)
case 1:
case 2:
else if (dataLine.Contains("GETTEMP")) // received reply with temperature data
int index = dataLine.IndexOf("CH");
int pin = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(dataLine[index + 2]); // using index of CH, retrieve which pin this message is coming from
double value = 0;
int dataLineLength = dataLine.Length;
if (dataLineLength > 11) // value is appended to end of line
value = Convert.ToDouble(dataLine.Substring(11));
catch // can't convert to double
int index2 = dataLine.IndexOf("CH", 3);
if (index2 != -1) // there happen to be two sets of commands stuck together into one
string secondHalf = dataLine.Substring(index2);
else // value is on the next line
value = Convert.ToDouble(incomingData.First());
ReadTemperature(pin, value);
else // must be CH3.GET
int index = dataLine.IndexOf("CH");
int pin = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(dataLine[index + 2]); // using index of CH, retrieve which pin this message is coming from
if (pin == 3) // only care if it's pin 3 (BMS), otherwise it's a mistake
double value = 0;
int dataLineLength = dataLine.Length;
if (dataLineLength > 7) // value is appended to end of line
value = Convert.ToDouble(dataLine.Substring(7));
catch // can't convert to double
int index2 = dataLine.IndexOf("CH", 3);
if (index2 != -1) // there happen to be two sets of commands stuck together into one
string secondHalf = dataLine.Substring(index2);
else // value is on the next line
value = Convert.ToDouble(incomingData.First());
else if (dataLine.Contains("REL")) // received reply about relay turning on or off.
if (dataLine.Contains("RELS")) // all relays turning on/off
if (dataLine.Contains("ON"))
for (int pin = 1; pin <= 4; pin++)
test.contactors[pin] = true;
else // "OFF"
for (int pin = 1; pin <= 4; pin++)
test.contactors[pin] = false;
else // single relay is turning on/off
int index = dataLine.IndexOf("REL");
int pin = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(dataLine[index + 3]);
if (dataLine.Contains("ON"))
test.contactors[pin] = true;
else if (dataLine.Contains("OFF"))
test.contactors[pin] = false;
else if (dataLine.Contains("GET"))
if (Convert.ToInt32(incomingData.First()) == 1)
test.contactors[pin] = true;
test.contactors[pin] = false;
/// <summary>
/// Main timer used to log the duration of the test, calculate amp hours
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void OnTimedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
test.duration = ++tickCounter;
// calculate Ah
test.ampHoursOut = (test.ampHoursOut * 3600 + test.amperage * 1) / 3600;
//read & output v, a, bms state
//sendToController("CH1.GETANALOG"); // get voltage
sendToController("CH2.GETANALOG"); // get amperage
sendToController("CH3.GET"); // get BMS state
//read & output temperature
sendToController("CH4.GETTEMP"); // get temperature