更改 scope.verify
<div verify>
<label class="btn btn-default" data-click="resetFilters()">Clear Filters</label>
angular.module("App").directive "verify", ["$compile",
($compile) ->
directive = {}
# This directive should be an attribute
directive.restrict = "A"
# We do not want to replace any HTML
directive.replace = false
# Skip the compilation of other directives
directive.terminal = true
# Compile this directive first
directive.priority = 1001
directive.link = (scope, element, attrs) ->
# Remove verify attribute to prevent infinite compile loop
element.removeAttr "verify"
element.removeAttr "data-verify"
# Select the element under the "verify" div, store the "click"
# function and remove it from the element
first = angular.element(element.children()[0])
clickAction = first.attr "click" || first.attr "data-click"
first.removeAttr "click"
first.removeAttr "data-click"
# Create a new element from the first one. This will become the
# verify button
second = first.clone()
# Add the new element to the DOM
element.append second
# Add some custom ngShow / ngHide animation classes
first.addClass "fader-down"
second.addClass "fader-up"
# Specify when each element should show / hide
first.attr "ng-hide", "verify"
second.attr "ng-show", "verify"
# Design the verify button
second.html "<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok\"</span>"
second.addClass "btn-danger"
# Initially, only the original button should be visible
scope.verify = false
# When the user clicks on the original button, hide it and show
# the verify button
first.bind "click", ->
scope.verify = true
# When the user clicks on the second element, the "verify"
# button, evaluate the specified "click" action. Hide the verify
# button and show the original button
second.bind "click", ->
scope.$eval clickAction
scope.verify = false
# Compile the element
# $compile(element.contents())(scope) # This doesn't work either
return directive
答案 0 :(得分:0)
first.bind('click', function () {
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.verify = true;
second.bind('click', function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.verify = false;