data <- data.frame(c("asd"), c(3))
list <- c("eat", "drink")
text <- c("I would like to eat and drink all day")
text <- Corpus(VectorSource(text))
text <- tm_map(text, content_transformer(tolower))
text <- tm_map(text, removePunctuation)
text <- tm_map(text, removeNumbers)
text <- tm_map(text, removeWords, stopwords('english'))
text <- tm_map(text, stemDocument)
text <- tm_map(text, stripWhitespace)
text <- as.data.frame(text)
text <- text$text
text <- strsplit(as.matrix(text), ' +')
text <- lapply(text, lapply, function(z) paste0(' ', z))
text <- lapply(text, unlist)
implode <- function(..., sep='') {
paste(..., collapse=sep)
wordProportion <- function(x, corpus) {
y <- length(grep(corpus, x))
return(y/ length(x))
estimateProportion <- function (corpus, domain) {
x <- as.data.frame(extractCorpus2(domain)) %>% distinct(text)
x <- implode(x$text, sep=" | ")
x <- unlist(lapply(corpus, wordProportion, x))
x <- findInterval(x, quantile(x[x > 0], seq(0, .9, .1)))
data$topic_1 <- estimateProportion(text, list)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这是一个循环,你必须稍后添加列标题,因为你不能使用$ this way
for (i in 1:n) {
train[,(i + y)] <- estimateProportion(train_corpus, train_lda_term[, i])
# where y is the number of preceding columns and n is however many columns you want to add
colnames(train[(1+y):(n+y)] <- paste0("TOPIC_0",1:n)
编辑:除非列车是列表,然后将train[,(i + y)]
替换为train[(i + y)]