
时间:2014-11-11 19:27:00

标签: powershell authentication remote-server



$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk -filter "DriveType = 3" | 
Select-Object DeviceID | 
ForEach-Object {Get-Childitem ($_.DeviceID + "\") -include file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt -recurse} | 

我找到了几个关于如何连接到远程系统的参考资料,如下所示: get-FileVersion Source





http://jtruher3.wordpress.com/2006/05/14/powershell-and-file-version-information/找到 在2014-11-11

param ( [string[]]$paths )
begin {
    # I want to do some stuff with relative paths.   
    # create a variable that I can use later
    $P = [string](get-location)

    # the workhorse of the script
    function GetVersionInfo
        param ( [string]$path )
        # resolve the path, we're going to need a fully qualified path to hand
        # to the method, so go get it.  I may not have that depending on how
        # was called
        $rpath = resolve-path $path 2>$null
        # the thing we hand to the method is the path string, so we'll tuck that away
        $path = $rpath.path
        # check to be sure that we're in the filesystem
        if ( $rpath.provider.name -ne "FileSystem" ) 
            "$path is not in the filesystem"
            return $null
        # now that I've determined that I'm in the filesystem, go get the fileversion
        $o = [system.diagnostics.fileversioninfo]::GetVersionInfo($path)
        # this little dance adds a new property to the versioninfo object
        # I add the relative path to the versioninfo so I can inspect that in the output object
        # the way that add-member works is to not emit the object, so I need to 
        # use the -passthrough parameter
        $o|add-member noteproperty RelativePath ($path.replace($P,".")) -pass
    # whoops! something bad happened
    function ShowFileError
        param ( [string]$path )
        if ( test-path $path -pathtype container )
            "$path is a container"
            "$path not found"

# data could have been piped - check $_ to see if this cmdlet had data
# piped to it
process {
    if ( $_ )
        # make sure that I'm not trying to get a versioninfo of a directory
        if ( test-path $_ -pathtype leaf )
            GetVersionInfo $_
            ShowFileError $_

# we could have also gotten arguments on the command line
end {
    if ( $paths )
        # by calling resolve path first, I can deal with wildcards on the command line
        foreach ( $path in resolve-path $paths )
            # make sure it's a file, not a directory
            if ( test-path $path -pathtype leaf )
                GetVersionInfo $path
                ShowFileError $path

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

假设您有一个名为 Get-Info.ps1 的脚本,其中包含以下内容:

$Report = @{}

# check free disk space
$Report.Disks = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | where Free | select Name, Used, Free
# this is just an example, collect whatever info you want from each machine
# and add it to the $Report object:
# $Report.MoreInfo = 'Foo'

[pscustomobject] $Report

computers.txt 中的目标计算机列表,这些计算机都有一个具有权限的公共帐户, 你可以运行

Invoke-Command "Get-Info.ps1" -ComputerName (gc computers.txt) -Credential (Get-Credential) -AsJob | Wait-Job | Receive-Job