
时间:2014-11-11 07:54:36

标签: c regex posix-ere

所以我目前的功课是在C中实现类似DBMS的系统,我决定使用linux POSIX正则表达式匹配库。我正在编写玩具代码来学习东西,这是我对DBMS“命令解析”部分的测试。帖子有点长,但请耐心等待。

所以,完整的程序代码基于this example

char *toSubstring(const char *str, int start, int end)
  char *buffer = malloc((end - start + 1) * sizeof *buffer);
  memcpy(buffer, str + start, end - start);
  *(buffer + (end - start)) = '\0';

  return buffer;

int compile_regex(regex_t *r, const char *r_pattern)
  int status = regcomp(r, r_pattern, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE);

  if (status != 0) {
    char err_msg[MAX_ERR_MSG];
    regerror(status, r, err_msg, MAX_ERR_MSG);
    printf("REGEX error compiling '%s': %s\n", r_pattern, err_msg);

    return status;
  return 0;

int match_regex(regex_t *r, const char *r_text, char ***m_array, int n_matches)
  int i, nomatch;
  regmatch_t m_osets[n_matches];
  *m_array = malloc(n_matches * sizeof **m_array);

  nomatch = regexec(r, r_text, n_matches, m_osets, 0);

  if (nomatch) {
    printf("No matches\n");

    return nomatch;

  for (i = 0; i < n_matches ; i++) {
    int start = (int) m_osets[i].rm_so;
    int stop = (int) m_osets[i].rm_eo;

    if (start==-1 || stop==-1) {
      *(*(m_array)+i) = NULL;

      printf("WARNING: Match block %d is void!\n", i);
    } else {
      *(*(m_array)+i) = toSubstring(r_text, start, stop);

      printf("Match block %d @bytes %d:%d\n", i, start, stop);
  return 0;

void chafree(char **c, int n)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (*(c+i)!=NULL)

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int i, m;
  regex_t r;
  const char * r_text = *(argv+1);
  const char * r_pattern = *(argv+2);

  char **matches = NULL;

  if (argc != 4) {
    printf("Usage: ./program_name \"r_text\" \"r_pattern\" n_matches\n");

  printf("Sweeping '%s' for '%s'\n", r_text, r_pattern);

  compile_regex(&r, r_pattern);
  match_regex(&r, r_text, &matches, atoi(*(argv+3)));

  if (matches != NULL) {

        printf("$%d --> %s\n", i, *(matches+i));
      else printf("$%d --> %p\n", i, *(matches+i));
    chafree(matches, atoi(*(argv+3)));

  return 0;



./regex_drills "insert whatever bananana" "([[:alpha:]]+)[[:blank:]]*([^\0]*)" 3


Sweeping 'insert whatever bananana' for '([[:alpha:]]+)[[:blank:]]*([^\0]*)'
Match block 0 @bytes 0:23
Match block 1 @bytes 0:5
Match block 2 @bytes 7:23
$& --> insert whatever bananana!
$1 --> insert
$2 --> whatever bananana

根据regex 101,正则表达式似乎没问题,但请注意完整表达式末尾的流浪“”。尽管正确解析了捕获组,但在完整表达式范围内(到目前为止)发生了异常字符,对于到目前为止使用的测试用例,仅在长度恰好为24字节时才会出现。这可能是一个非常愚蠢的错误,我很抱歉。

此外,任何有关如何以更好,也许更优雅的方式处理正则表达式的建议,都是非常受欢迎的。 非常感谢




$ valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --show-reachable=yes ./regex_drills "insert whatever bananana" "([[:alpha:]]+)[[:blank:]]*([^\0]*)" 3

==7051== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==7051== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==7051== Using Valgrind-3.10.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==7051== Command: ./regex_drills insert\ whatever\ bananana ([[:alpha:]]+)[[:blank:]]*([^\\0]*) 3
Sweeping 'insert whatever bananana' for '([[:alpha:]]+)[[:blank:]]*([^\0]*)'
Match block 0 @bytes 0:24
Match block 1 @bytes 0:6
Match block 2 @bytes 7:24
$0 --> insert whatever bananana
$1 --> insert
$2 --> whatever bananana
==7051== HEAP SUMMARY:
==7051==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==7051==   total heap usage: 167 allocs, 167 frees, 18,458 bytes allocated
==7051== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==7051== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==7051== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您的toSubstring函数有一个错误。 end是一个独占边界,因此子字符串的长度为len = end - start。您必须分配多于一个来存储终止空字符,但是您应该只复制len个字符,而且重要的是,您应该将终止空值写入buffer[len],而不是buffer[len + 1]

char *toSubstring(const char *str, int start, int end)
  char *buffer = malloc(end - start + 1);
  memcpy(buffer, str + start, end - start);
  *(buffer + (end - start)) = '\0';

  return buffer;

也许您并不打算将end排除在外,因为您在致电toSubstring时会对其进行调整。您可以保留这些语义并分配end - start + 2个字符(并保留其余代码),但在C中,上限通常是独占的,所以我建议使用上面的函数并将其调用如下:

*(*(m_array) + i) = toSubstring(r_text, start, stop);

而不是(..., stop - 1)