git clone http://github.com/MediaCrush/MediaCrush && cd MediaCrush
Create a virtual environment
Note: you'll need to use Python 2. If Python 3 is your default python interpreter (python --version), add --python=python2 to the virtualenv command.
virtualenv . --no-site-packages
Activate the virtualenv
source bin/activate
Install pip requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install coffeescript
npm install -g coffee-script
Configure MediaCrush
cp config.ini.sample config.ini
Review config.ini and change any details you like. The default place to store uploaded files is ./storage, which you'll need to create (mkdir storage) and set the storage_folder variable in the config to an absolute path to this folder.
Compile static files
If you make a change to any of the scripts, you will need to run the compile_static.py script.
python compile_static.py
Start the services
You'll want to make sure Redis is running at this point. It's probably best to set it up to run when you boot up the server (systemctl enable redis.service on Arch).
MediaCrush requires the daemon and the website to be running concurently to work correctly. The website is app.py, and the daemon is celery. The daemon is responsible for handling media processing. Run the daemon, then the website:
celery worker -A mediacrush -Q celery,priority
python app.py
This runs the site in debug mode. If you want to run this on a production server, you'll probably want to run it with gunicorn, and probably behind an nginx proxy like we do.
gunicorn -w 4 app:app
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虚拟环境不是需要运行的东西。它基本上是一个可以安装Python库和可执行文件的目录,还有一些environment variables来确保:
这取决于您如何启动应用程序。如果您只是从命令行启动它,那么当您关闭连接时,应用程序将停止。通常,您希望使用upstart之类的服务来启动和管理您的应用程序(您选择的特定服务通常由服务器的操作系统决定)。配置该服务时,您需要确保它在启动应用程序之前运行source $your_environment_dir/bin/activate