DB2 Case Statement - 如果相同的最大值,则选择最低值

时间:2014-11-07 19:11:05

标签: sql db2 case


因此,在下面的示例中,max_amt_ind应该仅对于Rank 2为Y,对于rank 0和1应为N.

13786   0       6.11    N
13786   1       2.9     N
13786   2       6.11    Y

以下查询将Rank 0和Rank 2标记为'Y'。我也尝试使用嵌套的case语句,但无法找到解决方案。任何帮助将不胜感激。

select a. id, a.rank,a. amt,b.max_amount,
case when a.amt=b.max_amount then 'Y'
            else 'N'
            end as max_amt_ind
from Table_1 a inner join 
select id, max(amt) as max_amount from Table_1
where max_payer_ind is null and id=13786
group by id
) b on a. id=b. id 


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


select id, rank, amt,
       (case when row_number() over (partition by id
                                     order by amt desc,
                                              (case when rank = 0 then 1 else 0 end, rank desc)
                                    ) = 1
             then 'Y'
             else 'N'
        end) as MAX_AMT_IND
from . . .;

答案 1 :(得分:0)




 create table table_1                     
 ( id        int                          
 , rank      dec(2)                       
 , amt       dec(5, 2)                    
 , max_payer_ind for mpi char default null
 insert into  table_1 values          
   ( 11786 , 0  ,    6.11  , default )
 , ( 11786 , 1  ,    6.11  , default )
 , ( 12786 , 0  ,    6.11  , default )
 , ( 12786 , 1  ,    6.11  , default )
 , ( 12786 , 2  ,    6.11  , default )
 , ( 13786 , 0  ,    6.11  , default )
 , ( 13786 , 1  ,    2.9   , default )
 , ( 13786 , 2  ,    6.11  , default )

来自OP的原始查询被修改为使用CASE表达式中的标量子选择[不是CASE语句]根据名为RANK的列分配所需的值;使用原始示例为id = 13786的三行两个不同的AMT值,但添加第二个示例,其中id = 11786的两行具有相等的AMT值,并添加第三个示例[在评论@Niki Nov 7&#中描述39; 14在20:19]具有三行相同的AMT值,id = 12786。

 select a.id, a.rank, a.amt, b.max_amount             
      , case a.rank when ( select min(nullif(rank, 0))
                           from table_1               
                           where id=a.id              
                             and amt=b.max_amount   ) 
                    then 'Y' else 'N'                 
        end as max_amt_ind                            
 from Table_1 a                                       
 inner join table                                     
      ( select id, max(amt) as max_amount             
        from Table_1                                  
        where max_payer_ind is null                   
          and id = a.id                               
        group by id                                   
      ) b                                             
   on a.id = b.id                                     
 -- report from above query follows:
   11,786     0     6.11       6.11         N     
   11,786     1     6.11       6.11         Y     
   13,786     0     6.11       6.11         N     
   13,786     1     2.90       6.11         N     
   13,786     2     6.11       6.11         Y     
   12,786     0     6.11       6.11         N     
   12,786     1     6.11       6.11         Y     
   12,786     2     6.11       6.11         N     

现在考虑到排名= 0和排名> 5中的重复max(amt),以便理解指标的分配,那么我们需要考虑最低等级(按顺序1,2,3,4,5然后0)",我为测试用例和查询的以下修订提供以下附加数据:

 insert into  table_1 values          
   ( 17786 , 0  ,    6.11  , default )
 , ( 17786 , 1  ,    1.11  , default )
 , ( 17786 , 2  ,    2.11  , default )
 , ( 17786 , 3  ,    3.11  , default )
 , ( 17786 , 4  ,    4.11  , default )
 , ( 17786 , 5  ,    5.11  , default )
 , ( 17786 , 6  ,    6.11  , default )

查询更改为启用匹配a.rank = 0 [使用IFNULL()]并消除将指示分配给超过5的排名[通过为标量子选择添加谓词rank<=5]:

 select a.id, a.rank, a.amt, b.max_amount                  
      , case a.rank when ifnull(                           
                         ( select min(nullif(rank, 0))     
                           from table_1                    
                           where id=a.id                   
                             and rank<=5                   
                             and amt=b.max_amount   ) , 0 )
                    then 'Y' else 'N'                      
        end as max_amt_ind                                 
 from Table_1 a                          
 inner join table                        
      ( select id, max(amt) as max_amount
        from Table_1                     
        where max_payer_ind is null      
          and id = a.id                  
        group by id                      
      ) b        
   on a.id = b.id
 -- report from above query follows:
   11,786     0     6.11       6.11         N     
   11,786     1     6.11       6.11         Y     
   17,786     0     6.11       6.11         Y     
   17,786     1     1.11       6.11         N     
   17,786     2     2.11       6.11         N     
   17,786     3     3.11       6.11         N     
   17,786     4     4.11       6.11         N     
   17,786     5     5.11       6.11         N     
   17,786     6     6.11       6.11         N     
   13,786     0     6.11       6.11         N     
   13,786     1     2.90       6.11         N     
   13,786     2     6.11       6.11         Y     
   12,786     0     6.11       6.11         N     
   12,786     1     6.11       6.11         Y     
   12,786     2     6.11       6.11         N     

所以在上面的结果中,我们没有用重复的max(amt)值来表示排名= 6,但我们最终得到一个例子,其中rank = 0实际上可以有资格获得指示;即,如果没有重复的max(amt)在1到5的范围之外,则永远不会有机会指示rank = 0 - 也就是说,如果我理解问题描述。