
时间:2014-11-07 08:21:15

标签: python numpy gdal

我有一个分类栅格,我正在阅读一个numpy数组。 (n班)



1)创建一个3d数组n + 1'band'

2)波段1 =原始分类栅格。彼此'band'值=计算窗口内值的单元格(即每个类别一个带)....例如:

[[2 0 1 2 1]
 [2 0 2 0 0]
 [0 1 1 2 1]
 [0 2 2 1 1]
 [0 1 2 1 1]]
[[2 2 3 2 2]
 [3 3 3 2 2]
 [3 3 2 2 2]
 [3 3 0 0 0]
 [2 2 0 0 0]]
[[0 1 1 2 1]
 [1 3 3 4 2]
 [1 2 3 4 3]
 [2 3 5 6 5]
 [1 1 3 4 4]]
[[2 3 2 2 1]
 [2 3 3 3 2]
 [2 4 4 3 1]
 [1 3 5 3 1]
 [1 3 3 2 0]]



目前 - 我正在尝试,但未能使用以下代码:

def lcc_binary_vrt(raster, dim, bands):
    footprint = np.zeros(shape = (dim,dim), dtype = int)+1
    g = gdal.Open(raster)
    data = gdal_array.DatasetReadAsArray(g)

    #loop through the band values
    for i in bands:   
        print i
        # create a duplicate '0' array of the raster
        a_band = data*0
        # we create the binary dataset for the band        
        a_band = np.where(data == i, 1, a_band)
        count_a_band_fname = raster[:-4] + '_' + str(i) + '.tif'        
        # run the moving window (footprint) accross the band to create a 'count'
        count_a_band = ndimage.generic_filter(a_band, np.count_nonzero(x), footprint=footprint, mode = 'constant')
        geoTiff.create(count_a_band_fname, g, data, count_a_band, gdal.GDT_Byte, np.nan)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




使用Numpy移动窗口统计信息的常用方法是使用numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided,例如参见this answer。基本上,我们的想法是创建一个包含所有窗口的数组,而不会增加内存使用量:

from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided


m, n = a_band.shape
newshape = (m-dim+1, n-dim+1, dim, dim)
newstrides = a_band.strides * 2  # strides is a tuple
count_a_band = as_strided(ar, newshape, newstrides).sum(axis=(2,3))

但是,对于您的用例,此方法效率低下,因为您反复对相同的数字求和,尤其是在窗口大小增加的情况下。更好的方法是使用cumsum技巧,例如this answer

def windowed_sum_1d(ar, ws, axis=None):

    if axis is None:
        ar = ar.ravel()
        ar = np.swapaxes(ar, axis, 0)

    ans = np.cumsum(ar, axis=0)
    ans[ws:] = ans[ws:] - ans[:-ws]

    ans = ans[ws-1:]

    if axis:
        ans = np.swapaxes(ans, 0, axis)

    return ans

def windowed_sum(ar, ws):
    for axis in range(ar.ndim):
        ar = windowed_sum_1d(ar, ws, axis)
    return ar


count_a_band = windowed_sum(a_band, dim)


count_a_band = ndimage.uniform_filter(a_band, size=dim, mode='constant') * dim**2



# create a duplicate '0' array of the raster
a_band = data*0
# we create the binary dataset for the band        
a_band = np.where(data == i, 1, a_band)

有点多余:您可以使用a_band = (data == i)