我从webservice(soap xml)收到一个PHP数组。 从这个数组中,我想保留几个标签,然后将其转换为json(参见底部的示例)。
Array (
[0] => stdClass Object (
***[Id] => 445946
[SystemName] =>
[TrackingPixelUrl] => http://www.pix.se/picture.png
[UrlName] => Movie_Renoir_445946
***[Name] => Movie: Film
[ForeignProductId] =>
[PackageId] =>
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 12
[TemplateId] => 81
***[Image] => stdClass Object (
[MediaId] => 41315620
[MediaType] => Image
[Url] => http://images.pix.se
[Width] => 214
[Height] => 317
[ProducedBy] =>
[CopyrightBy] =>
[ImageType] => Image
[Status] => Active
[PublishedDate] => 2014-11-03T10:23:09.617
[RevisionDate] =>
[ExpirationDate] => 2014-11-14T00:00:00
[Relevance] => Regional
[ParentProductId] =>
[ProductType] => Product
[IsHighlight] =>
[Attributes] => stdClass Object (
[AttributeData] => Array (
[0] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 18895726
[AttributeId] => 125
[MetaType] => String
[Value] => stdClass Object (
***[Data] => http://www.Movie.se
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 1
[Language] => 1
[1] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 18895762
[AttributeId] => 102
[MetaType] => String
[Value] => stdClass Object (
***[Data] => Text text info tinfo text Long text
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 2
[Language] => 1
[2] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 20562011
[AttributeId] => 106
[MetaType] => String
[Value] => stdClass Object (
***[Data] => 70 SEK
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 3
[Language] => 1
[3] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 27970127
[AttributeId] => 99
[MetaType] => String
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Data] => Movie: Film
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 11
[Language] => 1
[4] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 27970128
[AttributeId] => 101
[MetaType] => String
[Value] => stdClass Object (
***[Data] => Short info text text text
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 11
[Language] => 1
[5] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 18895724
[AttributeId] => 147
[MetaType] => String
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Data] => +46
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 2
[Language] => 0
[6] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 18895725
[AttributeId] => 145
[MetaType] => String
[Value] => stdClass Object (
***[Data] => (
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 2
[Language] => 0
[7] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 18895728
[AttributeId] => 526
[MetaType] => Boolean
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Data] =>
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 1
[Language] => 0
[8] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 27970129
[AttributeId] => 115
[MetaType] => Media
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[MediaList] => stdClass Object (
[MediaObject] => stdClass Object (
[MediaId] => 41315620
[MediaType] => Image
[Url] => http://images.pix.se
[Width] => 214
[Height] => 317
[ProducedBy] =>
[CopyrightBy] =>
[ImageType] => Image
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 10
[Language] => 0
[9] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 27970130
[AttributeId] => 418
[MetaType] => MultiAttribute
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Values] => stdClass Object (
[MultiAttributeObject] => Array (
[0] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 0
[AttributeId] => 0
[ProductId] => 0
[OrganizationId] => 0
[MultiAttributeId] => 631
[MetaType] => Boolean
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Data] =>
[Language] => 0
[1] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 0
[AttributeId] => 0
[ProductId] => 0
[OrganizationId] => 0
[MultiAttributeId] => 36
[MetaType] => Boolean
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Data] =>
[Language] => 0
[2] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 0
[AttributeId] => 0
[ProductId] => 0
[OrganizationId] => 0
[MultiAttributeId] => 2030
[MetaType] => Boolean
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Data] =>
[Language] => 0
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 4
[Language] => 0
[10] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 27970131
[AttributeId] => 668
[MetaType] => MultiAttribute
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Values] => stdClass Object (
[MultiAttributeObject] => Array (
[0] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 0
[AttributeId] => 668
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[MultiAttributeId] => 2022
[MetaType] => Boolean
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Data] =>
[Language] => 0
[1] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 0
[AttributeId] => 668
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[MultiAttributeId] => 2023
[MetaType] => Boolean
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Data] =>
[Language] => 0
[2] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 0
[AttributeId] => 668
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[MultiAttributeId] => 2174
[MetaType] => Boolean
[Value] => stdClass Object (
[Data] =>
[Language] => 0
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Version] => 5
[Language] => 0
[Categories] => stdClass Object (
[Category] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 16015
[OrganizationId] => 1045
[Name] => Film
[DefaultTemplateId] => 81
[Status] => Active
[ParentCategoryId] => 3568
[DisplayOrder] => 99
[Icon] =>
[GeoNode] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 3558
[Name] => Staden med omnejd
[ParentId] => 66876
[OrgId] => 1045
[Type] => Undefined
[LeftValue] => 11
[RightValue] => 12
[CityCenterLatitude] =>
[CityCenterLongitude] =>
[CityCenterRadius] =>
[Occasions] => stdClass Object (
[OccasionObject] => stdClass Object (
[Id] => 19836976
[AttributeId] => 111
[ProductId] => 445946
[OrganizationId] => 1045
***[StartDate] => 2014-11-12T00:00:00
***[EndDate] => 2014-11-13T00:00:00
***[StartTime] => 0001-01-01T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 0001-01-01T19:00:00
***[ValidDays] => Wednesday Thursday
***[ArenaId] => 75316
***[ArenaName] => Moviegrafteatern Movie, Staden
[EntryTime] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00
[SupplierId] =>
[Duration] =>
[ForeignProductIds] => stdClass Object (
[LanguageId] => 1
"Name": "Movie: Film",
"MovieUrl": "http://www.Movie.se",
"LongText": "Text text info tinfo text Long text",
"Price": "70 SEK",
"ShortText": "Short info text text text",
"Phone": "0410-1111111",
"StartDate": 2014-11-12T00:00:00,
"EndDate": 2014-11-13T00:00:00,
"StartTime": 0001-01-01T19:00:00,
"ValidDays": "Wednesday Thursday",
"ArenaId": 75316,
"ArenaName": "Moviegrafteatern Movie, Staden"
答案 0 :(得分:1)
function cleanUpResult(array)
$r = array();
foreach($item in $array){
$result = array();
$result["Id"] = $item["Id"];
$result["Name"] = $item["Name"];
$result["Image"] = array();
$result["Image"]["Url"] =$item["Image"]->Url;
$result["Image"]["Width"] =$item["Id"]->Width;
$result["Image"]["Height"] =$item["Id"]->Height;
$result["MovieUrl"] = $item["Attributes"]->AttributeData[0]->Value->Data;
$result["LongText"] = $item["Attributes"]->AttributeData[1]->Value->Data;
$result["Price"] = $item["Attributes"]->AttributeData[2]->Value->Data;;
$result["ShortText"] = $item["Attributes"]->AttributeData[4]->Value->Data;
$result["Phone"] = $item["Attributes"]->AttributeData[6]->Value->Data;
$result["StartDate"] = $item["StartDate"];
$result["EndDate"] = $item["EndDate"];
$result["StartTime"] = $item["StartTime"];
$result["ValidDays"] = $item["ValidDays"];
$result["ArenaId"] = $item["ArenaId"];
$result["ArenaName"] = $item["ArenaName"];
$r[] = $result;
return json_encode($r);
答案 1 :(得分:0)
假设您的对象是$ object
//this line must come before any output is made. (echo, print, etc.)
header('Content-Type: application/json');
//whitelist. the items you want to keep
$keep = array("id", "name", "image" ...);
foreach($object as $object) {
foreach ($object as $key => $product) {
if( !in_array($key, $keep) ) { //check if the current loop key is not in the whitelist
//Then convert the array to JSon.
echo json_encode($object)
然后$ object将只保留白名单中的内容
答案 2 :(得分:0)
$data = array();
// iterate over the full field list
foreach ($soapArray as $soapElement) {
// construct a partial array containing the fields you want
$data[] = array(
'Id' => $soapElement['Id'],
'Name' => $soapElement['Name'],
'Image' => array(
'Url' => $soapElement['Image']->Url,
'Width' => $soapElement['Image']->Width,
'Height' => $soapElement['Image']->Height,
'MovieUrl' => $soapElement['Attributes']->AttributeData[0]->Value->Data,
'LongText' => $soapElement['Attributes']->AttributeData[1]->Value->Data,
// display the encoded array
echo json_encode($data);