
时间:2014-11-06 06:04:36

标签: sql oracle


    Customer Table                             Hierarchy Table

    Pty Amount SID                             Parent    Child          
    100  10    01                                1         2
    200  20    02                                2         3
    100  20    03                                3         100
                                                 1         200

我想获得总父交易金额但父母没有任何金额 客户表中的数据。如何通过仅使用层次结构查询来映射两个表,并将所有子项的值都获取为父级。


  Select Sum(c.amount),c.pty from customer c
    right outer join hierarchy h on c.pty=h.child    
    where h.parent in (select (m.child) as parent from hierarchy m
     Connect By Prior child=parent
     start with m.child=1
     )  group by c.pty

Result is as follows:    
Amount    Pty
30         2
null       1

But When I pass 1 as parameter I should get
Amount       Pty
50            1

When 2 is passed to the query, the result should be
Amount Pty
30      2


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

select root, sum(nvl(amount, 0)) s from (
  select level, h.child, h.parent, c.amount, connect_by_root h.parent root
  from customer c right join hierarchy h on c.pty = h.child    
  --start with h.parent = 1
  connect by prior child = parent
) group by root;

如果您想要查找某个父母的总和,只需取消注释START WITH

connect_by_root 是一元运算符,显示层次结构的根值


connect_by_root 有助于识别根父母