如何在我创建的此照片滑块中的图像之间添加fadeIn / fadeOut过渡。
<body onLoad="photoA()">
<div id="slider">
<img src="Images/img1.jpg" id="image"/>
<img src="Images/img2.jpg" id="image"/>
<img src="Images/img3.jpg" id="image"/>
<img src="Images/img4.jpg" id="image"/>
<img src="Images/img5.jpg" id="image"/>
<div class="left_hold"><img onClick="photo(-1)" class="left" src="Images/arrow_left.png"></div>
<div class="right_hold"><img onClick="photo(1)" class="right" src="Images/arrow_right.png"></div>
var imageCount = 1;
var total = 5;
function photo(x) {
var image = document.getElementById('image');
imageCount = imageCount + x;
if(imageCount > total){imageCount = 1;}
if(imageCount < 1){imageCount = total;}
image.src = "Images/img"+ imageCount +".jpg";
clearInterval(time); // clear interval stops the set interval.
time = window.setInterval(function photoA() { // giving the value of time the same function below starts the loop
var image = document.getElementById('image');
imageCount = imageCount + 1;
if(imageCount > total){imageCount = 1;}
if(imageCount < 1){imageCount = total;}
image.src = "Images/img"+ imageCount +".jpg";
var time = window.setInterval(function photoA() { // just assign the function to the variable so you can target it.
var image = document.getElementById('image');
imageCount = imageCount + 1;
if(imageCount > total){imageCount = 1;}
if(imageCount < 1){imageCount = total;}
image.src = "Images/img"+ imageCount +".jpg";