
时间:2014-11-05 15:43:41

标签: excel decimal calculator ipv6


我需要将公式放在VBA中以制作自定义excel公式。我知道IPv4的公式,我已经读过它类似但我似乎无法弄明白。我需要这样才能将IPv6地址映射到ip2location CSV。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我有一些你应该可以开始使用的Excel IP功能。

=SubnetIPv4(IPv4,Bits,Offset)      =IsIPv4(IPv4)
IP Address  Bits Offset Result        Result  26    0    TRUE
Macros must be enabled
IPv4 is a string representing an IPv4 address in dotted decimal format
Bits is an integer (0 to 32) representing the number of mask bits
Offset is an integer representing the host address offset into the subnet
Using Offset 0 will retun a subnet for any IP address
Using IPv4 of and Offset 0 will retun a mask of Bits size

=SubnetIPv6(IPv6,Bits,Offset)                              =IsIPv6(IPv6)
IP Address                Bits Offset Result                   Result
fe80::1dce:e8b3:1a14:2c3b  10    ::   FE80:0:0:0:0:0:0:0        TRUE
Macros must be enabled
IPv6 is a string representing an IPv6 address in standard format (leading 0s are optional and :: works)
Bits is an integer (0 to 128) representing the number of mask bits
Offset is a string representing the host address offset into the subnet in standard format (leading 0s are optional and :: works)
Using Offset equivalent to 0 (::, ::0, 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0, etc.) will retun a subnet for any IP address
Using IPv6 of FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF and Offset equivalent to 0 will retun a mask of Bits size

Function CountStr(Source As String, Target As String) As Integer
    Dim c, i As Integer
    c = 0
    If Not ((Source = "") Or (Target = "")) Then
        For i = 1 To Len(Source)
            If Mid(Source, i, Len(Target)) = Target Then
                c = c + 1
            End If
    End If
    CountStr = c
End Function

Function SubnetIPv4(IPv4 As String, Bits As Integer, Offset As Long) As String

    Dim a() As String
    Dim c, d, i As Integer
    Dim m As Long
    Dim s As String

    If IPv4 = "" Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv4
    End If

    c = CountStr(IPv4, ".")
    If c <> 3 Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv4
    End If

    c = CountStr(IPv4, "..")
    If c > 1 Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv4
    End If

    If (Left(IPv4, 1) = ".") Or (Right(IPv4, 1) = ".") Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv4
    End If

    a = Split(IPv4, ".")
    If UBound(a) <> 3 Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv4
    End If

    On Error GoTo InvalidIPv4
    For i = 0 To 3
        If (Len(a(i)) > 0) And (Len(a(i)) < 4) Then
            a(i) = CInt(a(i))
            If (a(i) < 0) Or (a(i) > 255) Then
                GoTo InvalidIPv4
            End If
            GoTo InvalidIPv4
        End If

    If (Bits < 0) Or (Bits > 32) Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv4
    End If

    c = Bits Mod 8
    d = Bits \ 8
    If (Bits <> 0) And (c = 0) Then
        c = 8
        d = d - 1
    End If
    m = 0
    For i = 0 To 7
        m = m * 2
        If c > 0 Then
            m = m + 1
            c = c - 1
        End If
    a(d) = CStr(CLng(a(d)) And m)
    For i = d + 1 To 3
        a(i) = "0"

    If Offset < 0 Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv4
    End If

    m = 0
    For i = 1 To (32 - Bits)
        m = m * 2
        m = m + 1
    If Offset > m Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv4
    End If

    m = Offset
    For i = 3 To 0 Step -1
        a(i) = a(i) + (m Mod 256)
        m = m \ 256

    s = ""
    For i = 0 To 3
        s = s + CStr(a(i)) + "."
    s = Left(s, Len(s) - 1)

    SubnetIPv4 = s
    Exit Function

    Error (3)

End Function

Function IsIPv4(IPv4 As String) As Boolean

    Dim s As String

    On Error GoTo InvalidIPv4
    s = SubnetIPv4(IPv4, 32, 0)

    IsIPv4 = True
    Exit Function

    IsIPv4 = False

End Function

Function SubnetIPv6(IPv6 As String, Bits As Integer, Offset As String) As String

    Dim a() As String
    Dim c, d, i As Integer
    Dim m As Long
    Dim s, t As String

    If IPv6 = "" Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    c = CountStr(IPv6, ":")
    If (c < 2) Or (c > 8) Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    d = CountStr(IPv6, "::")
    If d > 1 Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    If (Left(IPv6, 1) = ":") And (Not (Left(IPv6, 2) = "::")) Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    If (Right(IPv6, 1) = ":") And (Not (Right(IPv6, 2) = "::")) Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    s = IPv6
    If d = 1 Then
        If Left(s, 2) = "::" Then
            s = "0" + s
        End If
        If Right(s, 2) = "::" Then
            s = s + "0"
        End If
        t = ":"
        For i = c To 7
            t = t + "0:"
        s = Replace(s, "::", t)
    End If

    a = Split(s, ":")
    If UBound(a) <> 7 Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    On Error GoTo InvalidIPv6
    For i = 0 To 7
        If (Len(a(i)) > 0) And (Len(a(i)) < 5) Then
            a(i) = WorksheetFunction.Hex2Dec(a(i))
            GoTo InvalidIPv6
        End If

    If (Bits < 0) Or (Bits > 128) Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    c = Bits Mod 16
    d = Bits \ 16
    If (Bits <> 0) And (c = 0) Then
        c = 16
        d = d - 1
    End If
    m = 0
    For i = 0 To 15
        m = m * 2
        If c > 0 Then
          m = m + 1
          c = c - 1
        End If
    a(d) = CStr(CLng(a(d)) And m)
    For i = d + 1 To 7
        a(i) = "0"

    If Offset = "" Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    c = CountStr(Offset, ":")
    If (c < 2) Or (c > 8) Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    d = CountStr(Offset, "::")
    If d > 1 Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    If (Left(Offset, 1) = ":") And (Not (Left(Offset, 2) = "::")) Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    If (Right(Offset, 1) = ":") And (Not (Right(Offset, 2) = "::")) Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    s = Offset
    If d = 1 Then
        If Left(s, 2) = "::" Then
            s = "0" + s
        End If
        If Right(s, 2) = "::" Then
            s = s + "0"
        End If
        t = ":"
        For i = c To 7
            t = t + "0:"
        s = Replace(s, "::", t)
    End If

    b = Split(s, ":")
    If UBound(b) <> 7 Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    On Error GoTo InvalidIPv6
    For i = 0 To 7
        If (Len(b(i)) > 0) And (Len(b(i)) < 5) Then
            b(i) = WorksheetFunction.Hex2Dec(b(i))
            GoTo InvalidIPv6
        End If

    c = Bits Mod 16
    d = Bits \ 16
    If (Bits <> 0) And (c = 0) Then
        c = 16
        d = d - 1
    End If
    m = 0
    For i = 0 To 15
        m = m * 2
        If c > 0 Then
          m = m + 1
          c = c - 1
        End If

    For i = 0 To d - 1
        If b(i) <> "0" Then
            GoTo InvalidIPv6
        End If
    If b(d) <> CStr(CLng(b(d)) And m) Then
        GoTo InvalidIPv6
    End If

    For i = 7 To d Step -1
        a(i) = CStr(CLng(a(i)) + CLng(b(i)))

    s = ""
    For i = 0 To 7
        s = s + WorksheetFunction.Dec2Hex(a(i)) + ":"
    s = Left(s, Len(s) - 1)

    SubnetIPv6 = s
    Exit Function

    Error (3)

End Function

Function IsIPv6(IPv6 As String) As Boolean

    Dim s As String

    On Error GoTo InvalidIPv6
    s = SubnetIPv6(IPv6, 128, "::")

    IsIPv6 = True
    Exit Function

    IsIPv6 = False

End Function

答案 1 :(得分:0)

IPv6地址的十进制值会很大。您需要128位无符号整数,但VBA中没有此类数据类型。 因此,据我所知,您无法将IPv6地址作为整数进行操作。