我的问题是,为了将这些数据放入Angular服务中,以便可以在我的控制器之间共享,我需要订单的OrderId。这个OrderId存在于URL $ stateParams中,但问题是我的'root'控制器在ui-router参与之前被实例化,这意味着我无法从该控制器内部访问我的$ stateParams。
// This is the root of my web app
<div ng-app="MyApp.backups.new" ng-controller="NewController">
// This is where I need to display some "global" information
<h2 class="dashTitle"><sk-img class="iBackup-Add"></sk-img> New Backup {{ (Master.Service.Name ? '- ' + Master.Service.Name : '') }}</h2>
<div id="wpMenuContainer" class="wpMenuContainer">
<ul class="wpMenu clearfix">
<li ng-repeat="chevron in Chevrons | filter:{disabled:false}" ng-class="{ active : chevron.active, navable : $index < Index }" class="backupChevron" ng-click="!($index < Index)||navigate(chevron, $index)">
<img ng-if="!$last" src="/App_Themes/App/images/misc/clear.gif" class="iMenuArrow">
<span>{{ chevron.name }}</span>
// The problem is ui-router's scope lives within this <div ui-view></div>, so I can't access $stateParams until these child controllers are created
<div ui-view></div>
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您是否尝试过利用UI路由器的state change events?
// custom factory for setting/getting current state params
app.factory('customFactory', function(){
var currentParams = null;
return {
getParams: function(){ return currentParams; },
setParams: function(params){ currentParams = params; }
// your controller
app.controller('NewController', ['customFactory', function(customFactory){
var routeParams = function(){
return customFactory.getParams() || {};
$scope.orderID = routeParams().OrderId;
// set listener on the '$stateChangeSuccess' event to update the params in your factory
app.run(['$rootScope', 'customFactory', function($rootScope, customFactory){
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){