我目前正在将ASP.NET 2.0应用程序移植到Apache / Mono(Ubuntu 13.10)。
某些网页可能包含> 500个动态控件。在它们上调用ParseControl在IIS / Windows上仍然只需要几毫秒,并且仅在初始页面加载时完成。对于异步。回发后,只重新创建了少数这些控件(就像“点击”一样)以优化这些控件。
现在我的Mono问题: 对于每个呼叫,ParseControl需要300-1500毫秒。在循环中传递那些“500控件”可能需要永远,所以我已经优化了它:
ParseControl在/ tmp中创建文件,然后根据我的意见在它们上启动ASP.NET编译器。我怎么能加快速度呢? Mono-sources充满了引用该功能的TODO,它不再适用于Ubuntu 14.04(抛出“System.Web.Compilation.CompilationException”,见http://mono.1490590.n4.nabble.com/CS1576-after-upgrade-to-Ubuntu-14-04-1-td4663599.html)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
支持的服务器控件(runat =“server”):
性能: 我使用一些缓存来加快速度,但在Windows上它仍然比“Page.ParseControl”慢约50%。 对于Mono(使用3.12.1测试),它现在实际上可用。
String html = "<div runat=\"server\" id=\"test123\"></div>";
Control c = null;
try {
// Performance tip: The "doc" object can be cached, if the same HTML needs to be parsed again
var doc = new HtmlDocument();
c = OwnParseControlEngine.Parse(doc);
catch {
c = Page.ParseControl(html); // Note: Will crash with Mono 3.x
/// <summary>
/// Own implementation of "ParseControl". Returns XHTML (default) or HTML.
/// Custom controls from "Web.config" are supported (TODO: User controls and imports on Page are NOT).
/// </summary>
private class OwnParseControlEngine {
public class ParseException : System.Exception {
public ParseException(HtmlNode e)
: base("Unknown ASP.NET server-tag \"" + e.OriginalName + "\".") {
private static readonly String _systemWebNamespace;
private static readonly String _systemWebAssembly;
private static readonly Dictionary<String, LinkedList<TagPrefixInfo>> _controlsTagPrefixInfos = new Dictionary<String, LinkedList<TagPrefixInfo>>(); // Key is tag-prefix in lowercase
private class Factory {
public delegate Control CreateDel(HtmlNode e);
private readonly CreateDel _del;
public Boolean DropWhiteSpaceLiterals { get; private set; }
public Factory(CreateDel del, Boolean dropWhiteSpaceLiterals = false) {
this._del = del;
this.DropWhiteSpaceLiterals = dropWhiteSpaceLiterals;
public Control Create(HtmlNode e) {
return this._del.Invoke(e);
private static readonly Dictionary<String, Factory> _factories = new Dictionary<String, Factory>(); // Must be locked. Key is tag-name in lowercase.
static OwnParseControlEngine() {
// We cache the results to speed things up. "Panel" is only used to get assembly info.
_systemWebNamespace = typeof(Panel).Namespace;
_systemWebAssembly = typeof(Panel).Assembly.FullName;
var section = (PagesSection)WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/").GetSection("system.web/pages");
foreach (TagPrefixInfo info in section.Controls) {
LinkedList<TagPrefixInfo> l;
if (!_controlsTagPrefixInfos.TryGetValue(info.TagPrefix, out l)) {
l = new LinkedList<TagPrefixInfo>();
_controlsTagPrefixInfos.Add(info.TagPrefix.ToLower(), l);
// Add HTML control types
_factories.Add("span", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlGenericControl(e.OriginalName); }));
_factories.Add("div", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlGenericControl(e.OriginalName); }));
_factories.Add("body", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlGenericControl(e.OriginalName); }));
_factories.Add("font", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlGenericControl(e.OriginalName); }));
_factories.Add("a", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlAnchor(); }));
_factories.Add("button", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlButton(); }));
_factories.Add("form", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlForm(); }));
_factories.Add("input", new Factory((e) => {
switch (e.Attributes["type"].Value) {
case "button": return new HtmlInputButton();
case "checkbox": return new HtmlInputCheckBox();
case "file": return new HtmlInputFile();
case "hidden": return new HtmlInputHidden();
case "image": return new HtmlInputImage();
case "radio": return new HtmlInputRadioButton();
case "text": return new HtmlInputText();
case "password": return new HtmlInputPassword();
case "reset": return new HtmlInputReset();
case "submit": return new HtmlInputSubmit();
throw new ParseException(e);
_factories.Add("select", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlSelect(); }));
_factories.Add("table", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlTable(); }, true)); // Adding literals not allowed
_factories.Add("tr", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlTableRow(); }, true)); // Adding literals not allowed
_factories.Add("td", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlTableCell(); }));
_factories.Add("textarea", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlTextArea(); }));
_factories.Add("link", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlLink(); }));
_factories.Add("meta", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlMeta(); }));
_factories.Add("title", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlTitle(); }));
_factories.Add("img", new Factory((e) => { return new HtmlImage(); }));
private static void ApplyHtmlControlAttributes(HtmlControl c, HtmlNode e) {
foreach (HtmlAttribute a in e.Attributes) {
if (a.Name == "id")
c.ID = a.Value;
else if (a.Name != "runat")
c.Attributes[a.OriginalName] = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(a.Value);
private static void ApplyControlAttributes(Control c, HtmlNode e) {
if (c is WebControl && e.Attributes["style"] != null) {
String style = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(e.Attributes["style"].Value);
foreach (String s in style.Split(new Char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
((WebControl)c).Style[s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf(':'))] = s.Substring(s.IndexOf(':') + 1);
foreach (PropertyInfo p in c.GetType().GetProperties()) {
if (p.CanRead && p.CanWrite && e.Attributes[p.Name] != null) {
try {
Object v = null;
if (p.PropertyType.IsEnum)
v = Enum.Parse(p.PropertyType, e.Attributes[p.Name].Value);
else if (p.PropertyType == typeof(String))
v = e.Attributes[p.Name].Value;
else if (p.PropertyType == typeof(Boolean))
v = Boolean.Parse(e.Attributes[p.Name].Value);
else if (p.PropertyType == typeof(Int32))
v = Int32.Parse(e.Attributes[p.Name].Value);
else if (p.PropertyType == typeof(Unit))
v = Unit.Parse(e.Attributes[p.Name].Value);
// TODO: More types?
if (v != null)
p.SetValue(c, v, null);
catch {
private static Control CreateServerControl(HtmlNode e, out Boolean dropWhiteSpaceLiterals) {
Factory cf;
lock (_factories) {
_factories.TryGetValue(e.Name, out cf);
if (cf == null) {
Int32 pos = e.Name.IndexOf(':');
if (pos != -1) {
String tagPrefix = e.Name.Substring(0, pos).ToLower();
String name = e.Name.Substring(pos + 1);
Type t = null;
// Try "System.Web" (default assembly)
if (tagPrefix == "asp")
t = Type.GetType(String.Format("{0}.{1}, {2}", _systemWebNamespace, name, _systemWebAssembly), false, true); // "Namespace.ClassName, Assembly"
if (t == null) {
// Try controls specified in "web.config"
LinkedList<TagPrefixInfo> l;
if (_controlsTagPrefixInfos.TryGetValue(tagPrefix, out l)) {
foreach (var info in l) {
// Custom controls
t = Type.GetType(String.Format("{0}.{1}, {2}", info.Namespace, name, info.Assembly), false, true); // "Namespace.ClassName, Assembly"
if (t != null)
// TODO: User controls with tag.TagName, tag.Source
if (t != null) {
cf = new Factory((e2) => { return (Control)Activator.CreateInstance(t); });
lock (_factories) {
_factories[e.Name] = cf; // "Replace" instead of "Add", because another thread might have already added it since the lock above
if (cf == null)
throw new ParseException(e);
var c = cf.Create(e);
if (c is HtmlControl)
ApplyHtmlControlAttributes((HtmlControl)c, e);
ApplyControlAttributes(c, e);
dropWhiteSpaceLiterals = cf.DropWhiteSpaceLiterals;
return c;
private static void ParseChildren(Control parentC, HtmlNode currE, Boolean xhtml = true, Boolean dropWhiteSpaceLiterals = false) {
foreach (HtmlNode childE in currE.ChildNodes) {
Control newC = null, closeTag = null;
Boolean newDropWhiteSpaceLiterals = false;
if (childE.Attributes["runat"] != null && childE.Attributes["runat"].Value.ToLower() == "server") // Server control
newC = CreateServerControl(childE, out newDropWhiteSpaceLiterals);
else { // Literal control
switch (childE.Name) {
case "#text":
if (!dropWhiteSpaceLiterals || childE.InnerText.Trim().Length != 0)
newC = new LiteralControl(childE.InnerText);
String s = String.Format("<{0}", childE.OriginalName);
foreach (HtmlAttribute a in childE.Attributes)
s += String.Format(" {0}=\"{1}\"", a.OriginalName, a.Value);
s += ">";
switch (childE.Name) {
// List of void elements taken from http://www.programmerinterview.com/index.php/html5/void-elements-html5/
case "area": case "base": case "br": case "col": case "command": case "embed": case "hr": case "img": case "input":
case "keygen": case "link": case "meta": case "param": case "source": case "track": case "wbr":
if (xhtml)
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1) + "/>";
newC = new LiteralControl(s);
newC = new PlaceHolder(); // Used as a wrapper to allow child-controls
newC.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(s));
closeTag = new LiteralControl(String.Format("</{0}>", childE.OriginalName));
if (newC != null) {
ParseChildren(newC, childE, xhtml, newDropWhiteSpaceLiterals);
if (closeTag != null)
private OwnParseControlEngine() {
/// <summary>
/// Parses the given HTML document and returns a Control.
/// Throws "ParseException" on error (TODO: Maybe others too).
/// </summary>
public static Control Parse(HtmlDocument doc) {
var c = new Control();
ParseChildren(c, doc.DocumentNode, false);
return c;