PM> install-package WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Backend.Security
Adding 'Owin 1.0' to xxxx.WindowsPhone.
Uninstalling 'Owin 1.0'.
Successfully uninstalled 'Owin 1.0'.
Install failed. Rolling back...
install-package : Could not install package 'Owin 1.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'WindowsPhoneApp,Version=v8.1', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content
files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
At line:1 char:1
+ install-package WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Backend.Security
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Owin NuGet package只有.NET 4.0程序集,因此您无法将其安装到Windows Phone应用程序中。
查看教程,他们将WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Backend.Security NuGet包添加到服务器端Web应用程序中。在Windows Phone App端,他们只需调用服务器端Web应用程序公开的Web服务。