我正在使用汇编程序(sic / Xe),我正在编写操作码表。编译时我收到错误
g ++ opcodetab.cc 未定义的首次引用 文件中的符号 main /opt/local/bin/../lib/gcc/sparc-sun-solaris2.10/3.4.6/crt1.o ld:致命:符号引用错误。没有输出写入a.out collect2:ld返回1退出状态
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include "opcodetab.h"
#include "opcode_error_exception.h"
using namespace std;
opcodetab::opcodetab() {
//Populate the map with opcodes
//[Mnemonic] = (Hex Value, Format/Size)
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_OPCODES; i++)
opcodes[codes[i]] = Info(values[i], sizes[i]);
string opcodetab::get_machine_code(string inOpcode) {
//change each element of the string to upper case
for(unsigned int i=0;i<inOpcode.length();i++)
inOpcode[i] = toupper(inOpcode[i]);
if(inOpcode[0] == '+') // check if format 4
inOpcode.erase (0,1); //erase the character at first position
opcodes_iter = opcodes.find(inOpcode);
if(opcodes_iter == opcodes.end()){
throw opcode_error_exception("opcode " + inOpcode + " not found");}
return (opcodes_iter->second.machine_code);
int opcodetab::get_instruction_size(string inOpcode) {
/* Converts string to uppercase, checks to see if first character is a '+' for
* possible extended format then checks to see if it is a valid opcode if it is
* return a 4 else check to see if it is a valid 1 2 or 3 format*/
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inOpcode.length(); i++) {
inOpcode[i] = toupper(inOpcode[i]);
if (inOpcode[0] == '+') {
inOpcode.erase(0, 1);
opcodes_iter = opcodes.find(inOpcode);
if (opcodes_iter == opcodes.end()){
throw opcode_error_exception("opcode " + inOpcode + " not found");}
else if ((opcodes_iter->second.length) != 3){
throw opcode_error_exception("opcode " + inOpcode + " is not a valid format 4 opcode");}
return 4;
} else {
opcodes_iter = opcodes.find(inOpcode);
if (opcodes_iter == opcodes.end()){
throw opcode_error_exception("opcode " + inOpcode + " not found");}
return (opcodes_iter->second.length);