显然我想对很多行(5000 ++)和列(51)执行此操作,这是我的代码:
Sub Macro_NUEVA()
Dim maxRows, maxColumns, rowCount, row As Integer
maxRows= 10
maxColumns= 51
maxRows = InputBox("Number of rows?:", "Number of rows")
sngStartTime = Timer 'Just a timer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Do not update screen to save some time
For rowCount = 2 To maxRows 'Iterate all Rows
For row = rowCount To maxRows 'loop to compare every single row with the actual row
ActiveSheet.Cells(row, maxRows + 1).Select
ActiveCell.Formula = "=SUMIF(" & Range("B" & rowCount & ":AY" & rowCount ).Address(False, False) & ",""=1""," & Range("B" & row & ":AY" & row).Address(False, False) & ")"
If Selection = 3 Then 'If three ones in common -> delete row
maxRows = maxRows - 1
row= row- 1
End If
Next row
Next rowCount
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
sngTotalTime = Timer - sngStartTime
MsgBox "Tiempo Empleado: " & Round(sngTotalTime, 2) & " Segundos"
End Sub
此代码工作正常,但需要花费大量时间......(7000行 - > 25小时)
答案 0 :(得分:3)
然后复制&粘贴特殊值。第1行是带有列标签的标题行。您需要重命名工作表 Matriz 或修改命名工作表的代码行。
Option Explicit
Sub Macro_NUEVA()
Dim maxRws As Long, maxCols As Long, rwCount As Long, ws As Worksheet
Dim f As Long, fc As Long, c As Long, cl As Long, rw As Long, n As Long
Dim sngTime As Double, app As Application
maxRws = 5000
maxRws = InputBox("Número de filas?:", "Número de filas", maxRws)
Set app = Application
app.ScreenUpdating = False
app.EnableEvents = False
app.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
sngTime = Timer 'Just a timer
Set ws = Sheets("Matriz")
With ws.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
If Not ws.AutoFilterMode Then .AutoFilter
On Error Resume Next: ws.ShowAllData: On Error GoTo 0
maxCols = .Columns.Count
For rw = 2 To maxRws
For cl = 1 To (.Columns.Count - 2)
If app.CountIf(.Cells(rw, cl).Resize(1, (maxCols - cl) + 1), 1) > 2 Then
f = 0
For fc = cl To maxCols
If .Cells(rw, fc).Value = 1 Then
.AutoFilter Field:=fc, Criteria1:=1
f = f + 1
If f = 3 Then Exit For
End If
Next fc
If f = 3 And app.Subtotal(102, .Columns(1)) > 1 Then
Debug.Print "deleting " & app.Subtotal(102, .Columns(1)) - 1 & " row(s)"
'.Offset(2, 0).EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp
'next line is a modification of the offset to delete
.Offset(.Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Cells(1).Row, 0).EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp
End If
End If
Next cl
If Not CBool(app.Count(Rows(rw + 1))) Then Exit For
Next rw
If ws.AutoFilterMode Then .AutoFilter
End With
Set ws = Nothing
sngTime = Timer - sngTime
MsgBox "Tiempo Empleado: " & Round(sngTime, 2) & " Segundos"
app.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
app.EnableEvents = False
app.ScreenUpdating = True
Set app = Application
End Sub
运行正常,我的约为50%/ 50%。更多的零意味着必须检查更多的行和列。您可以检查VBE的立即窗口以查看已删除的行数。
有充分的理由不在VBA For ... Next
中重置增量变量; a)陷入无限循环并且b)不重置循环的结束意味着无用的迭代是其中两个。还有其他原因;一般来说,这不是一个好的编程方法。在上面的方法中,我不必担心从上到下进行,因为我将单独检查行并删除所有其他匹配;而不是相反。当被检查的行不再有任何值时,我也有一个退出。
除了智力锻炼之外,我对这个目的有点好奇。对于51列> 5000行且只能选择 0 或 1 ,在删除匹配的三元组之后,似乎很少有剩余的可能性。也许你可以在评论甚至原始帖子中稍微扩展一下这个主题。