
时间:2014-10-31 15:39:16

标签: xml regex

技术高手 -



            XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(nodeReader, settings);
            XElement data = XElement.Load(reader);
            XmlNameTable table = reader.NameTable;
            XmlNamespaceManager manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(table);
            manager.AddNamespace("ns", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom");
            manager.AddNamespace("m", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata");
            manager.AddNamespace("d", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices");
            manager.AddNamespace("base", "https://api20.ourthirdparty.com:4400/odata/v2/");
            foreach (XElement entries in data.XPathSelectElements("./ns:entry", manager))
                foreach (var contents in (from entry in entries.Elements() where entry.Name.LocalName.Contains("content") select entry))
                    foreach (var properties in (from content in contents.Elements() where content.Name.LocalName.Contains("properties") select content))

                        foreach (var property in (from property in properties.Elements()
                                                  where property.Name.LocalName.Contains("startDate")
                                                        || property.Name.LocalName.Contains("userId")
                                                        || property.Name.LocalName.Contains("seqNumber")
                                                        || property.Name.LocalName.Contains("fte")

                                select property)



                            // get all the instances the positions w/tags and values
                            sb.Append(string.Format("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", property.Name.LocalName, property.Value, property.Name.LocalName));

                        // add the root tag sets
                        docEmpJobs = begtag + sb.ToString() + endtag;




以下是关于开始/结束标记放置的假设不正确的地方 -

            // Correct missing tags with regex

            Regex tag1 = new Regex(@"<startDate>");
            Regex tag2 = new Regex(@"</fte>");
            docEmpJobs = tag1.Replace(docEmpJobs, "<EmpJob><startDate>");
            docEmpJobs = tag2.Replace(docEmpJobs, "</fte></EmpJob>");
            // Correct ampersand xml conversion failures

            // Note: The ampersand was an ill-placed value from a test case, but still made it to the raw xml.

            docEmpJobs = docEmpJobs.Replace("&", "and");  // return scrubbed string for xdoc conversion


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