使用可能抛出c ++的函数初始化const对象

时间:2014-10-29 22:26:48

标签: c++ exception


double functionA()
  double a;
  const double b=a;
  //More code that uses b and computes x
  return x; 


double functionA()
  const double b=functionThatMayThrow();
  //catch the exception somehow and rethrow with nested information

  //More code that uses b and computes x
  return x; 

也许我只是采取了一种完全错误的方法解决问题。你能给我任何建议吗?任何boost或c ++ 11相关解决方案也都很好。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

要向任何传递的异常添加一些跟踪信息, 1 可以执行此操作:

auto func_A()
    -> double
        // The complete original function body.

        double const a = 2*some_func();
        return a/2;
    catch( ... )
        throw_with_nested( runtime_error( __func__ ) );


auto func_A()
    -> double
    return with_trace( __func__, [&]() -> double
        // The complete original function body.

        double const a = 2*some_func();
        return a/2;
    } );


#include <exception>    // std::throw_with_nested
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>    // std::runtime_error, std::exception
#include <stdlib.h>     // EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <string>       // std::string
#include <vector>       // std::vector

namespace cppx {
    using std::runtime_error;
    using std::throw_with_nested;

    template< class Func >
    auto with_trace( char const* const func_name, Func const body )
        -> decltype( body() )
            return body();
        catch( ... )
            throw_with_nested( runtime_error( func_name ) );

    namespace x_io
        using std::endl;
        using std::exception;
        using std::cerr;            // For client code.
        using std::ostream;
        using std::rethrow_if_nested;

        namespace impl {
            void print_on( ostream& stream, exception const& x, bool const is_nested )
                stream << (is_nested? ">" : "!") << x.what() << endl;
                    rethrow_if_nested( x );
                catch( exception const& nested_x )
                    print_on( stream, nested_x, true );
                catch( ... )
                    stream << "<unknown exception type>" << endl;
        }  // namespace impl

        auto operator<<( ostream& stream, exception const& x )
            -> ostream&
            impl::print_on( stream, x, false );
            return stream;
    }    // namespace x_io
}  // namespace cppx

namespace my {
    using std::runtime_error;
    using std::string;
    using std::vector;
    using cppx::with_trace;

    bool fail_is_good;

    auto some_func()
        -> double
        if( fail_is_good ) { throw runtime_error( "some_func" ); }
        return 3.14;

    auto func_A()
        -> double
        return with_trace( __func__, [&]() -> double
            double const a = 2*some_func();
            return a/2;
        } );

    void cpp_main( vector< string > const& args )
        using std::cout; using std::endl;
        my::fail_is_good = (args.size() > 1);
        cout << func_A() << endl;
}  // namespace my

auto main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    -> int
    using std::exception; using std::string; using std::vector;
        my::cpp_main( vector<string>( argv, argv + argc ) );
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    catch( exception const& x )
        using namespace cppx::x_io;
        cerr << x << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

1 )不幸的是,即使在2013年11月的CTP版本中,Visual C ++ 12.0(2013)也不支持std::throw_with_nested。只需实施即可轻松添加此类支持。此外,我记得它不支持__func__,但该宏也很容易定义。