
时间:2014-10-29 17:07:30

标签: applescript automator



  1. 通常使用图像和文字在主题演讲中设计幻灯片。
  2. 将幻灯片导出为jpg文件到桌面上的文件夹。
  3. 打开一个新的主题演讲。
  4. 将jpg文件拖到幻灯片导航器中。这将创建每个jpg的图像幻灯片。
  5. 将新演示文稿导出为.ppt文件。
  6. 有没有办法让这个工作流程自动化?我希望将第2-5步折叠成一步!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

以下是执行此操作的AppleScript(适用于主题演讲版本 6.2 ,而不是版本 5 ):

tell application "Finder" to set f to (make new folder) as text -- create a temp folder to export images
tell application "Keynote"
    tell front document
        export to (file f) as slide images with properties {image format:JPEG, compression factor:95}
        set {h, w, fPath} to {height, width, file of it}
    end tell
    tell (fPath as string) to if it ends with ".key:" then
        set newFile to (text 1 thru -6) & ".ppt"
        set newFile to it & ".ppt"
    end if
    set jpegs to my getImages(f)
    set newDoc to make new document with properties {width:w, height:h}
    tell newDoc
        set mSlide to last master slide -- blank
        repeat with thisJPEG in jpegs
            set s to make new slide with properties {base slide:mSlide}
            tell s to make new image with properties {file:thisJPEG}
        end repeat
        delete slide 1
        export to (file newFile) as Microsoft PowerPoint
        close saving no
    end tell
end tell
tell application "Finder" to delete folder f -- delete the temp folder
on getImages(f)
    tell application "Finder" to return (files of folder f) as alias list
end getImages

重要: 在运行脚本之前,幻灯片必须已在Keynote中打开。




set v to ("Volumes" as POSIX file) as alias
tell application "Finder" to set f to (make new folder) as text -- create a temp folder to export images
tell application "Keynote"
    tell front document
        export to (file f) as slide images with properties {image format:JPEG, compression factor:95}
        set {h, w, tName} to {height, width, name of it}
    end tell
    tell tName to if it ends with ".key" then
        set newName to (text 1 thru -5) & ".ppt"
        set newName to it & ".ppt"
    end if
    set jpegs to my getImages(f)
    set newFile to choose file name default name newName default location v with prompt "Select the folder to save the PPT file"
    set newDoc to make new document with properties {width:w, height:h}
    tell newDoc
        set mSlide to last master slide -- blank
        repeat with thisJPEG in jpegs
            set s to make new slide with properties {base slide:mSlide}
            tell s to make new image with properties {file:thisJPEG}
        end repeat
        delete slide 1
        export to (newFile) as Microsoft PowerPoint
        close saving no
    end tell
end tell
tell application "Finder" to delete folder f -- delete the temp folder

on getImages(f)
    tell application "Finder" to return (files of folder f) as alias list
end getImages