正常字母表:A B C D E F G H
右移2:Y Z A B C D E F
左移3:D E F G H I J K
import java.util.Scanner;
public class HW4Methods
public static String readString(Scanner kb)
Scanner kbTwo = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Please Enter A String: ");
String userString = kbTwo.nextLine();
while(userString.equals(null) || (userString.isEmpty()))
System.out.print("Field Cannot Be Empty. Please Re-Enter: ");
userString = kbTwo.nextLine();
return userString;
public static int readAmountToShift(Scanner kb)
int amountToShift;
Scanner kbThree = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Please Enter the Amount You Wish To Shift: ");
amountToShift = kb.nextInt();
while((amountToShift < 0) || (amountToShift > 2000000000))
System.out.print("Number Not Within Specified Parameters. Please Re-Enter: ");
amountToShift = kb.nextInt();
return amountToShift;
public static String readDirection(Scanner kb)
Scanner kbFour = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the Direction You Wish to Shift (Left or Right): ");
String shiftD = kb.next();
while(!shiftD.equalsIgnoreCase("left") && (!shiftD.equalsIgnoreCase("right")))
System.out.print("Invalid Direction. Enter the Direction You Wish to Shift (Left or Right): ");
shiftD = kbFour.next();
return shiftD;
public static int menu(Scanner kb)
int userChoice;
Scanner kbFive = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Please Choose From the Following:");
System.out.println("1. Enter New String.");
System.out.println("2. Encrypt String.");
System.out.println("3. Decrypt String.");
System.out.println("4. Quit.");
System.out.println("Please Enter Your Choice: ");
userChoice = kbFive.nextInt();
while((userChoice < 1)||(userChoice > 4))
System.out.print("Invalid Menu Choice. Please Try Again.");
userChoice = kbFive.nextInt();
return userChoice;
public static String encryptString(String origString, int amount, String direction)
origString = "";
for(int i=0;i < origString.length();i++)
char a = origString.charAt(i);
if(a + amount > 122)
origString += 97 +(a + amount - 123);
else if(a + amount > 90)
origString += 65+(a + amount - 91);
else if(a + amount > 97 && a + amount <= 122)
origString += (char)(a + amount);
else if(a + amount > 65 && a + amount <= 90)
origString += (char)(a + amount);
if(a+ amount < 65)
origString += (char)(90);
else if(a - amount < 91)
origString += 113 +(a - amount + 91);
else if(a + amount >= 97 && a + amount <= 122)
origString += (char)(a - amount);
else if(a + amount <= 65 && a + amount >= 91)
origString += (char)(a - amount);
return origString;
public static String decryptString(String encryptedString, int amount, String direction)
String decrypt = "";
for(int i=0;i < encryptedString.length();i++)
char a = encryptedString.charAt(i);
if(a - amount < 97)
decrypt += (char)(122) - (a - amount - 123);
else if(a - amount < 65)
decrypt += 90 - ((char)(a + amount) - 91);
else if(a - amount >= 97 && a - amount <= 122)
decrypt += (char)(a - amount);
else if(a - amount >= 65 && a - amount <= 90)
decrypt += (char)(a - amount);
if(a + amount > 90)
decrypt += 65 +((char)(a - amount) - 64);
else if(a + amount > 122)
decrypt += 97 + ((char)(a + amount) - 97);
else if(a + amount >= 65 && a + amount <= 91)
decrypt += (char)(a + amount);
else if(a + amount >= 97 && a + amount <= 122)
decrypt += (char)(a + amount);
return decrypt;
public static void display(String stringOne, String stringTwo)
System.out.println(stringOne + stringTwo);
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CSCD210HW4
public static void main(String [] args)
int choice, amount;
Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
String direction, origString, encryptedString, decryptedString;
origString = HW4Methods.readString(kb);
amount = HW4Methods.readAmountToShift(kb);
direction = HW4Methods.readDirection(kb);
encryptedString = HW4Methods.encryptString(origString, amount, direction);
HW4Methods.display("Your encrypted string is ", encryptedString);
choice = HW4Methods.menu(kb);
case 1: origString = HW4Methods.readString(kb);
case 2: amount = HW4Methods.readAmountToShift(kb);
direction = HW4Methods.readDirection(kb);
encryptedString = HW4Methods.encryptString(origString, amount, direction);
HW4Methods.display("Your encrypted string is ", encryptedString);
case 3: direction = HW4Methods.readDirection(encryptedString);
amount = HW4Methods.readAmountToShift(encryptedString);
decryptedString = HW4Methods.decryptString(encryptedString, amount, direction);
HW4Methods.display("Your decrypted string is ", decryptedString);
case 4: System.out.println("Thanks for playing");
}// end switch
}while(choice != 4);
}// end main
}// end class
CSCD210HW4.java:33: error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to Scanner
amount = HW4Methods.readAmountToShift(encryptedString);
CSCD210HW4.java:32: error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to Scanner
case 3: direction = HW4Methods.readDirection(encryptedString);
答案 0 :(得分:2)
每个character is associated with a number。检查this以查看如何将char转换为java字符串。想法是你可以在不制作阵列的情况下获得数字形式的范围。
如果我们有B = 66.索引(B) - 64 = 2.(这是从1到26的数字列表中的顺序)。
Shift = -5。所以答案应该是:W(第23次)
(指数(B)-64-5)%26 = 23。
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter the string to encrypt: ");
String string = scanner.nextLine().toUpperCase();
System.out.println("Enter offset");
int offset = Integer.parseInt(scanner.nextLine());
System.out.println("Encrypting " + string + " with offset: " + offset);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : string.toCharArray())
//broken down for clarity
int order = ((int)c) - 65 + offset;
//that strange addition is to force negative modulo to the answer that we want.
int newOrder = (order % 26) + ((order < 0) ? 26 : 0);
int backToAscii = newOrder + 65;
Enter the string to encrypt:
Enter offset
Encrypting BULKA with offset: -5
Enter the string to encrypt:
Enter offset
Encrypting BULKA with offset: 5