
时间:2014-10-27 18:30:54

标签: c newline scanf



    if (fscanf(file, "%f", &f)==1) {

但我需要知道变量f属于哪一行。 例如:

n_row = 0;
    if (fscanf(file, "%f", &f)==1) {
        printf("a value %f is in row %d\n",f,n_row);
        [if you met a "\n"]{
            //then increment the row counter



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • 使用fscanf逐行阅读您的输入,然后使用行缓冲区中的sscanfstrtok_r将其分区为单个数字,或
  • 尝试在float后阅读一个字符,并检查该字符是否为\n


while(!feof(file)) {
    char next;
    int count = fscanf(file, "%f%c", &f, &next);
    if (count > 0) {
        // There may not be '\n' on the last line,
        // in which case count would be equal 1.
        if (count == 1 || next == '\n') {
            //then increment the row counter
        printf("a value %f is in row %d\n", f, n_row);


答案 1 :(得分:1)


您将始终必须选择一些最大列数来启动(您可以动态分配每个元素,但索引管理变得更具挑战性)。所以选择一些合理的数字,然后只使用所需的列数。如果整体内存使用非常宝贵,只需在读取数组后重新分配以减小列大小。有很多很多方法可以做到这一点,这里只是一个例子。它将从文件名读取任意数量的行和列到整数数组(默认最大列数为128 - 根据需要调整)。输入文件可以是spacecomma个分隔值。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define ARRAY_WIDTH 128

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int *array[ARRAY_WIDTH];    /* create pointer to array of ints of ARRAY_WIDTH   */
    int ridx = 0;               /* row index    */
    int cidx = 0;               /* col index    */
    char *buffer = NULL;        /* getline buffer, NULL forces getline to allocate  */
    size_t len = 0;             /* number of chars for getline to read, 0: no limit */
    ssize_t read;               /* number of characters read by getline             */
    char *ptr = NULL;           /* pointer used to parse buffer & by strtol         */
    char *eptr = NULL;          /* pointer used with strtol                         */
    int tmp = 0;                /* tmp value holding result of strtol conversion    */

    if (argc < 2) {             /* validate sufficient input */
        fprintf (stderr, 
                "Usage:  %s filename [array: space or comma separated values]\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    FILE *fp = fopen (argv[1], "r");    /* open input file containing array values  */
    if (!fp) {                          /* validate file open or return             */
        fprintf (stderr, "failed to open file for reading\n");
        return 1;

    while ((read = getline (&buffer, &len, fp)) != -1) { /* read each line in file  */

            array[ridx] = calloc (1, sizeof (array));    /* allocate row            */
            ptr = buffer;

            cidx = 0;           /* reset column index for read of each line         */
            while (*ptr) {      /* parse number of elements in row <= ARRAY_WIDTH   */
                tmp = (int)strtol(ptr, &eptr, 10);      /* convert value to integer */
                if (ptr != eptr) {              /* test that strtol processed chars */
                    ptr = eptr;                 /* set ptr to eptr for next value   */
                    array [ridx][cidx] = tmp;   /* assign value to array            */
                    cidx++;                     /* increase column index            */
                } else {
                ptr++;                      /* skip space or comma separator        */
            ridx++;                          /* increase row index                  */

    fclose (fp);                            /* close the file - done reading        */

    /* output values stored in array  - 2 ways          */
    /* fist - use last value of cidx as column index    */
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;

    printf ("\nProperties of Matrix Read\n\n");
    printf (" size : %d\n rows : %d\n cols : %d\n\n", ridx * cidx, ridx, cidx);

    for (i=0; i < ridx; i++)
        printf (" [");
        for (j = 0; j < cidx; j++)
            printf (" %2d", array[i][j]);
        printf (" ]\n");

    /* second - by using calloc, only assigned values of array are not NULL, this   */
    /* allows iteration over row values without keeping an exact column index       */
    printf ("\nOutput without any column index:\n\n");

    int *p;
    for (i=0; i < ridx; i++)
        printf (" [");
        p = *(array + i);           /* assign pointer to row of array               */
        while (*p)                  /* simply iterate until NULL encountered        */
            printf (" %2d", *p);
        printf (" ]\n");
    printf ("\n");

    return 0;


$ cat dat/intarray.txt
50 10 21 31 19 22
9 34 32 17 99 91
82 56 78 11 88 2
6 14 24 48 64 3


$ ./bin/a2dyn dat/intarray.txt

Properties of Matrix Read

 size : 24
 rows : 4
 cols : 6

 [ 50 10 21 31 19 22 ]
 [  9 34 32 17 99 91 ]
 [ 82 56 78 11 88  2 ]
 [  6 14 24 48 64  3 ]

Output without any column index:

 [ 50 10 21 31 19 22 ]
 [  9 34 32 17 99 91 ]
 [ 82 56 78 11 88  2 ]
 [  6 14 24 48 64  3 ]