OCaml - 如何从列表中返回列表列表?

时间:2014-10-27 10:54:11

标签: list ocaml

我有以下问题。从列表中,我必须将mod 3 = 0元素,mod 3 = 1元素和mod 3 = 2元素分成3个不同的列表,并返回这3个列表的列表。我的问题非常明显 - 我该怎么做?我缺少某种简单的规则吗?


let separate xs =
    let rec help xs i =
    match xs i with
    | [] _ -> []
    | hd a -> if a mod 3 = 0 //HOW DO I RETURN
                        else if a mod 3 = 1

更新: 完成的代码:

let separate xs = 
let rec help (list, i, xs1, xs2, xs3) = 
    match list with
    | [] -> [xs1;xs2;xs3]
    | head :: tail -> (if i mod 3 = 0 then help (tail, i+1, head::xs1, xs2, xs3)
                                        else if i mod 3 = 1 then help (tail, i+1, xs1, head::xs2, xs3)
                                        else help (tail, i+1, xs1, xs2, head::xs3))
in help (xs, 0, [], [], []);;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


let split_by_mod_3 l =
  let rec aux l mod0 mod1 mod2 = match l with
    | [] -> [mod0; mod1; mod2]
    | hd::tail when hd mod 3 == 0 -> aux tail (hd::mod0) mod1 mod2
    | hd::tail when hd mod 3 == 1 -> aux tail mod0 (hd::mod1) mod2
    | hd::tail when hd mod 3 == 2 -> aux tail mod0 mod1 (hd::mod2)
  aux l [] [] [];;

答案 1 :(得分:1)



let my_function lst = 
  let rec loop acc lst = match lst with
    | [] -> <do_some_post_iteration_work> acc
    | head :: rest -> 
       let result = <do_something_with_nth_element> head in
       let accum  = <add_result_to_accumulator> result acc in
       loop accum rest in
  let accum = <initialize_accumulator> in
  loop accum lst
