;Dates and leap years
%include "/home/usr/Desktop/io.mac"
day_msg db 'Enter the day(number from 1-31): ',0 ;prompt messages for the user, asks for day, month and year
month_msg db 'Enter the month(number from 1-12): ',0
year_msg db 'Enter the year: ',0
result_msg db 'The result is:',0
day resb 1 ;memory reservations for day, month, year and the result of the operation
month resb 1 ;the output of the user is stored in these spaces, also kept around if they are required after the operation
year resd 1
result resb 1
temp resb 1
;asks user for day
PutStr day_msg
GetInt [day]
;asks user for month
PutStr month_msg
GetInt [month]
;asks user for year
PutStr year_msg
GetInt [year]
;this performs the mathematical operation to figure out the day
mov AX,[year] ;saves AX with the year value
mov CX, 4 ;sets CX to 4
div CX ;divides AX by CX, which is 4
mov [temp],AL ;extracts result from division by 4
PutStr result_msg
PutInt [temp]