
时间:2014-10-26 20:16:00

标签: windows file events asynchronous


    void Close()
        if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != file)
            // TOCHECK: should the associated events be closed explicitly?
            for (long i = 0; i < overlapped_max; ++i)
                DWORD  dummy;
                auto & overlapped = overlapped_array[i];

                // wait for asynchronous I/O completion if any
                ::GetOverlappedResult(file, &overlapped, &dummy, TRUE);

                HANDLE hEvent = _InterlockedExchange(&overlapped_array[i].hEvent, 0);

                if (hEvent) ::CloseHandle(hEvent);

            // it is safe to close the file here because the file will be closed internally by the kernel
            // only after all I/O asynchronous operations on this file complete
            file = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

        delete[] filename;
        filename = nullptr;


    void Close()
        HANDLE hFile = _InterlockedExchange(&file, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);

        if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile)
            // it is safe to close the file here because the file will be closed internally by the kernel
            // only after all I/O asynchronous operations on this file complete

            for (long i = 0; i < overlapped_max; ++i)

        delete[] filename;
        filename = nullptr;

现在,我仍然有一个关于&#34的问题;这里关闭文件是安全的,因为只有在此文件上的所有I / O异步操作完成后,内核才会在内部关闭文件&#34;。我不记得我是写这篇文章还是引用了微软的声明。据说该文件被打开两次,这将调用具有特定文件句柄的CloseHandle等待通过此特定句柄完成的所有I / O完成吗?如果没有,关闭文件句柄后关闭事件句柄根本不安全。

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