Python k-最近的邻居

时间:2014-10-24 23:21:25

标签: python numpy scipy knn


from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

#define function
def kNN(X,y,k):
    #number of observations
    n = len(y)
    #Set up return values
    y_star = Series(np.zeros(n),dtype='Int64')
    #distance vector
    dist = squareform(pdist(X,metric='Euclidean'))
    #so it can't choose itself as a closest neighbour
    #Loop through each observation
    for i in range(n):
    #Find the y values of the k nearest neighbours
    y_nearest = y[dist[i,:].argsort()[:k]]
    #assign y_hat
    if y_nearest.mean()> 0.5:
        y_hat[i] = 1
    #return the predicted classification
    return y_hat


ValueError: No axis named 1 for object type <class      'pandas.core.series.Series'>

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