# Describe the basic frame
seedSize <- 7
keyCols <- c("x", "y")
noKeyCols <- c("time", "duration")
colSize <- length(keyCols) + length(noKeyCols)
frameSize <- seedSize * colSize
# Instantiate two with unique values
DF1 <- data.frame(matrix(1:frameSize, nrow=seedSize, ncol=colSize))
colnames(DF1) <- append(keyCols, noKeyCols)
DF2 <- DF1 + frameSize
# Duplicate a few from self and other and mangle no-key values
DF1 <- rbind(DF1, DF2[c(1:4, 1:3, 1, 6),])
DF1 <- rbind(DF1, DF1[c(1:5, 1:2),])
newRows <- (seedSize+1):nrow(DF1)
DF1[newRows, noKeyCols] <- DF1[newRows, noKeyCols] + newRows
DF2 <- rbind(DF2, DF1[c(1:4, 1:3, 1, 6),])
DF2 <- rbind(DF2, DF2[c(1:5, 1:2),])
newRows <- (seedSize+1):nrow(DF2)
DF2[newRows, noKeyCols] <- DF2[newRows, noKeyCols] + newRows
# Do some joins (sorting to make comparable)
DFI <- merge(DF1, DF2, by=keyCols)
DFI <- DFI[do.call(order, as.list(DFI),),]
row.names(DFI) <- NULL
DFO <- merge(DF1, DF2, by=keyCols, all=TRUE)
# Use complete.cases() to generate inner-join from outer
DFI2 <- DFO[complete.cases(DFO),]
row.names(DFI2) <- NULL
答案 0 :(得分:0)
setkey(DT1, x, y)
DT1[DT2, nomatch=0L]
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我认为编写一个在请求的表单中生成结果的合并会更高效,但我能够编写一些代码来将合并结果按到该表单中。请记住,对于Data.Table,必须设置 allow.cartesian = TRUE 以允许在键列中存在重复项时进行合并:
# Split out complete.cases
DF <- split(DFO, complete.cases(DFO))
DF.nomatch <- DF[["FALSE"]]
row.names(DF.nomatch) <- NULL
DF <- DF[["TRUE"]]
# Use aggregate to get frequency counts on keyCols
# to split out one-match cases
DF$Freq <- NA
DF.a <- aggregate(DF["Freq"], by=DF[,keyCols], length)
DF$Freq <- NULL
DF.a <- DF.a[DF.a$Freq==1, keyCols]
DF <- split(DF, do.call(paste, c(DF[keyCols], sep=".")) %in%
do.call(paste, c(DF.a[keyCols], sep=".")))
DF.onematch <- DF[["TRUE"]]
row.names(DF.onematch) <- NULL
DF <- DF[["FALSE"]]
row.names(DF) <- NULL
# Collapse non-key columns so aggregate and unique can be used
combCols <- c(".x", ".y")
for (i in combCols) {
dcl <- append(list("c", SIMPLIFY=FALSE, USE.NAMES=FALSE),
as.list(DF[, paste0(noKeyCols, i)]))
DF[[i]] <- do.call(mapply, dcl)
# Remove columns which were collapsed
DF <- DF[, -which(names(DF) %in%
as.vector(outer(noKeyCols, combCols, paste0)))]
# Aggregate and generate unique non-key value lists
DF.a <- aggregate(DF[combCols], by=DF[keyCols], unique)
# DF.a is now a data frame with unique x.y values corresponding
# to multiple matches (although one of .x and .y can be singular)
# The .x column is the list of left contributions and .y is the right
# DF.onematch is all 1::1 matches; x.y is unique
# DF.nomatch is all unmatched (outer) records; x.y may not be unique