超类operator()错误 - 含糊不清

时间:2014-10-24 19:40:09

标签: c++ overloading ambiguous

我正在尝试使用C ++ 11来定义一个类,它可以存储多个std::function<>并根据它们的参数类型调用它们,类似于重载决策。


template <typename R, typename... A>
struct overload;

template <typename R, typename... A>
struct overload<R(A...)>
  typedef std::function<R(A...)> F;
  F f_;
  overload(F f): f_(f) {}
  R operator()(A... a)
    return f_(a...);

template <typename... T>
struct overloaded_function : public overload<T>...
  overloaded_function(T... t): overload<T>(t)... {}

int main()
  overloaded_function<void(float), void(int, int)> f([](float){}, [](int, int){});
  f(1.F);  // build error
  f(2, 3); // build error
  return 0;

构建错误:(Visual Studio 2013)


&#34; overload :: operator()[with R = void,A =]&#34;很暧昧   c:\ Users \ benj7280 \ Documents \ kernel_builder \ src \ main.cpp 39 5 kernel_builder


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template <typename... T>
struct overloads
    // need this one so that the last overload has 
    // something to "using". If you have an overload for void(),
    // that one will hide this one. If you don't, and call f(),
    // this won't compile... which is fine.
    void operator()();

template <typename R, typename... A, typename... T>
struct overloads<R(A...), T...>
: overloads<T...>
  typedef std::function<R(A...)> F;
  F f_;

  template <typename... Fs>
  overloads(F f, Fs... fs)
  : overloads<T...>(fs...)
  , f_(f)

  using overloads<T...>::operator();

  R operator()(A... a)
    return f_(a...);

template <typename... T>
struct overloaded_function : public overloads<T...>
  overloaded_function(T... t)
  : overloads<T...>(t...)
  { }

现在你的f(1.F)f(2, 3)调用都编译,因为现在所有的重载都是......可重载的。