
时间:2014-10-24 18:54:33

标签: xml r


 ' <bill session="113" type="s" number="12" updated="2014-09-20T07:17:52-04:00">
  <state datetime="2013-02-26">REFERRED</state>
    <introduced datetime="2013-02-26"/>
  <introduced datetime="2013-02-26"/>
    <title type="short" as="introduced">Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2013</title>
    <title type="official" as="introduced">A bill to provide for the transfer of naval vessels to      certain foreign recipients.</title>
  <sponsor id="402675"/>
    <cosponsor id="412491" joined="2013-11-05"/>
    <action datetime="2013-02-26" state="REFERRED">
      <text>Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.</text>
    <committee code="SSFR" name="Senate Foreign Relations" activity="Referral, In Committee"/>
    <bill relation="unknown" session="113" type="s" number="1683"/>
    <term name="International affairs"/>
    <term name="Asia"/>
    <term name="Buy American requirements"/>
    <term name="Latin America"/>
    <term name="Marine and inland water transportation"/>
    <term name="Mexico"/>
    <term name="Military assistance, sales, and agreements"/>
    <term name="Military facilities and property"/>
    <term name="Taiwan"/>
    <term name="Thailand"/>
 Naval Vessels Transfer Act of 2013 - Authorizes the President to transfer on a grant basis to: (1)         Mexico, the OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class guided missile frigates CURTS and MCCLUSKY; and (2) Thailand, the         OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class guided missile frigates RENTZ and VANDEGRIFT.

Authorizes the President to transfer on a sale basis the OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class guided missile     frigates TAYLOR, GARY, CARR, and ELROD to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office of the     United States (which is the Taiwan instrumentality designated pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act).

States that: (1) the value of such vessels transferred on a grant basis shall not be counted against  the aggregate value of excess defense articles transferred to countries in any fiscal year under the  Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; (2) transfer costs shall be charged to the recipient; and (3) to the  maximum extent practicable, the country to which a vessel is transferred shall have necessary vessel  repair and refurbishment carried out at U.S. shipyards (including U.S. Navy shipyards).

Terminates transfer authority three years after enactment of this Act.</summary>
</bill> '

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


doc <- xmlParse("lotsofbills.xml")
nodes <- getNodeSet(doc, "//bill[not(ancestor::bill)]")

 x <- lapply(nodes, function(x){ data.frame(
   bill_session = xpathSApply(x, ".", xmlGetAttr, "session"),
    short_title = xpathSApply(x, ".//title[@type='short']", xmlValue),
action_datetime = xpathSApply(x, ".//actions/action", xmlGetAttr, "datetime"),
         action = xpathSApply(x, ".//actions/action/text", xmlValue),
       subjects = paste( xpathSApply(x, ".//subjects/term", xmlGetAttr, "name"), collapse="; ")

do.call("rbind", x)
  bill_session                       short_title action_datetime                                                         action
1          113 Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2013      2013-02-26 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
1 International affairs; Asia; Buy American requirements; Latin America; Marine and inland water transportation; Mexico; Military assistance, sales, and agreements; Military facilities and property; Taiwan; Thailand


x<-vector("list", length(nodes))

for (i in 1:length(nodes)){
subDoc <- xmlDoc(nodes[[i]])
   bill_session <- xpathSApply(subDoc, "/bill", xmlGetAttr, "session")
    short_title <- xpathSApply(subDoc, "//title[@type='short']", xmlValue)
action_datetime <- xpathSApply(subDoc, "//actions/action", xmlGetAttr, "datetime")
         action <- xpathSApply(subDoc, "//actions/action/text", xmlValue)
       subjects <- paste( xpathSApply(subDoc, "//subjects/term", xmlGetAttr, "name"), collapse="; ")
 x[[i]] <- data.frame(bill_session, short_title, action_datetime, action, subjects)