
时间:2014-10-23 14:27:33

标签: c# listbox richtextbox

我找到了以下代码http://www.dotnetcurry.com/showarticle.aspx?ID=146并将其实现到我的应用程序中,但它只找到一次字符串并继续查找字符串的其他实例,您必须按住搜索按钮(有点单调乏味100& #39;匹配)。



private void btnListSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int startindex = 0;
        if (txtSearch.Text.Length > 0)
            startindex = FindMyText(txtSearch.Text.Trim(), start, rtb.Text.Length);
        // If string was found in the RichTextBox, highlight it
        if (startindex >= 0)
            // Set the highlight color as red
            rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Red;
            // Find the end index. End Index = number of characters in textbox
            int endindex = txtSearch.Text.Length;
            // Highlight the search string
            rtb.Select(startindex, endindex);
            // mark the start position after the position of 
            // last search string
            start = startindex + endindex;

    public int FindMyText(string txtToSearch, int searchStart, int searchEnd)
        // Unselect the previously searched string
        if (searchStart > 0 && searchEnd > 0 && indexOfSearchText >= 0)
        // Set the return value to -1 by default.
        int retVal = -1;
        // A valid starting index should be specified.
        // if indexOfSearchText = -1, the end of search
        if (searchStart >= 0 && indexOfSearchText >=0)
            // A valid ending index 
            if (searchEnd > searchStart || searchEnd == -1)
                // Find the position of search string in RichTextBox
                indexOfSearchText = rtb.Find(txtToSearch, searchStart, searchEnd, RichTextBoxFinds.None);
                // Determine whether the text was found in richTextBox1.
                if (indexOfSearchText != -1)
                    // Return the index to the specified search text.
                    retVal = indexOfSearchText;
        return retVal;

    private void txtSearch_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Reset the richtextbox when user changes the search string
        start = 0;
        indexOfSearchText = 0;


string searchString = textBox2.Text;
        listBoxResults.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiExtended;
        // Set our intial index variable to -1.
        int x = -1;
        // If the search string is empty exit.
        if (searchString.Length != 0)
            // Loop through and find each item that matches the search string.
                // Retrieve the item based on the previous index found. Starts with -1 which searches start.
                x = listBoxResults.FindString(searchString, x);
                // If no item is found that matches exit.
                if (x != -1)
                    // Since the FindString loops infinitely, determine if we found first item again and exit.
                    if (listBoxResults.SelectedIndices.Count > 0)
                        if (x == listBoxResults.SelectedIndices[0])
                    // Select the item in the ListBox once it is found.
                    listBoxResults.SetSelected(x, true);

            } while (x != -1);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  • 每按一次按钮,您只能调用一次搜索和选择例程,因此每次只能找到一次。如果要突出显示创建循环所需的所有实例

  • 您撤消FindMyText方法中的每项更改。这是没有意义的。您可能希望清除所有选择之前搜索新内容,但不能搜索

  • 在设置选择之前设置选择颜色。这最多只能做什么..


List<int> found = null;

private void cb_findAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    int cursorPos = rtb.SelectionStart; 
    found = FindAll(rtb, txtSearch.Text, 0);
    HighlightAll(rtb, Color.Red, found, txtSearch.Text.Length);
    rtb.Select(cursorPos, 0);   

private void cb_findNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    int pos = -1;
    for (int f = 0; f < found.Count; f++)
        if (found[f] > rtb.SelectionStart) { pos = found[f]; break; }
    if (pos >= 0) rtb.Select(pos, txtSearch.Text.Length);

private void cb_findPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    int pos = -1;
    for (int f = 0; f < found.Count; f++)
        if (found[f] >= rtb.SelectionStart) { if (f >= 1) pos = found[f - 1]; break; }
    if (pos >= 0) rtb.Select(pos, txtSearch.Text.Length);

public List<int> FindAll(RichTextBox rtb, string txtToSearch, int searchStart)
    List<int> found = new List<int>();
    if (txtToSearch.Length <= 0) return found;

    int pos= rtb.Find( txtToSearch, searchStart, RichTextBoxFinds.None);
    while (pos >= 0)
        pos = rtb.Find(txtToSearch, pos + txtToSearch.Length, RichTextBoxFinds.None);
    return found;

public void HighlightAll(RichTextBox rtb, Color color, List<int> found, int length)
    foreach (int p in found)
        rtb.Select(p, length);
        rtb.SelectionColor = color;

void clearHighlights(RichTextBox rtb)
    int cursorPos = rtb.SelectionStart;    // store cursor
    rtb.Select(0, rtb.TextLength);         // select all
    rtb.SelectionColor = rtb.ForeColor;    // default text color
    rtb.Select(cursorPos, 0);              // reset cursor

private void txtSearch_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    found = new List<int>();         // clear list
    clearHighlights(rtb);            // clear highlights
private void rtb_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    found = new List<int>();
