// BaseTableView.qml
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
Item {
signal addActionPerformed()
signal editActionPerformed(int id)
signal deleteActionPerformed(int id)
property var model
ToolBar {
id: toolBar
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
Row {
ToolButton {
id: addButton
iconSource: "qrc:/icons/actions/add.png"
onClicked: addActionPerformed()
ToolButton {
id: editButton
enabled: false
iconSource: "qrc:/icons/actions/edit.png"
ToolButton {
id: deleteButton
enabled: false
iconSource: "qrc:/icons/actions/delete.png"
TableView {
id: tableView
model: parent.model
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: toolBar.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
onCurrentRowChanged: {
editButton.enabled = currentRow !== null
deleteButton.enabled = currentRow !== null
// Another.qml file
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import "../common" // Here is BaseTableView.qml
BaseTableView {
TableViewColumn {
role: "id"
title: qsTr("Id")
TableViewColumn {
role: "object_expression"
title: qsTr("Expression")
那么,问题是如何将表视图列从使用传递到基础TableView? 我试图在BaseTableView中创建属性列表,并在Aother.qml中为此属性分配一个对象列表?但没有成功。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
您会注意到,可以将子对象添加到任何基于项的类型,而无需将它们显式添加到children属性。这是因为Item的默认属性是其data属性,并且为该Item添加到此列表的任何项都会自动添加到其子项列表中。 默认属性可用于重新分配项目的子项。请参阅TabWidget示例,该示例使用默认属性自动将TabWidget的子项重新分配为内部ListView的子项。
如果您查看最后一段引用的TabWidget example,您应该拥有所需的一切:
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: tabWidget
// Setting the default property to stack.children means any child items
// of the TabWidget are actually added to the 'stack' item's children.
// See the "Property Binding"
// documentation for details on default properties.
default property alias content: stack.children
property int current: 0
onCurrentChanged: setOpacities()
Component.onCompleted: setOpacities()
function setOpacities() {
for (var i = 0; i < stack.children.length; ++i) {
stack.children[i].opacity = (i == current ? 1 : 0)
Row {
id: header
Repeater {
model: stack.children.length
delegate: Rectangle {
width: tabWidget.width / stack.children.length; height: 36
Rectangle {
width: parent.width; height: 1
anchors { bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 1 }
color: "#acb2c2"
BorderImage {
anchors { fill: parent; leftMargin: 2; topMargin: 5; rightMargin: 1 }
border { left: 7; right: 7 }
source: "tab.png"
visible: tabWidget.current == index
Text {
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
anchors.fill: parent
text: stack.children[index].title
elide: Text.ElideRight
font.bold: tabWidget.current == index
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: tabWidget.current = index
Item {
id: stack
width: tabWidget.width
anchors.top: header.bottom; anchors.bottom: tabWidget.bottom
在这种情况下,如果您希望复制由Qt提供的项目完成的内容,那么查看source code of what you're trying to replicate也会很有帮助。但是,文档更容易阅读。 :)