
时间:2014-10-22 21:02:01

标签: haskell operator-overloading monads


-- define the monad type
type M a = State -> (a, State)
type State = Int

-- define the return and bind operators for this monad
return a x = (a, x)
(>>=) :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
m >>= k = \x -> let (a,y) = m x in
                let (b,z) = k a y in

-- define the tick monad, which increments the state by one
tick :: M ()
tick x = ((), x+1)

data Term = Con Int | Div Term Term
-- define the evaluator that computes the number of times 'quot' is called as a side effect
eval :: Term -> M Int
eval (Con a)   = Main.return a
eval (Div t u) = eval t Main.>>= \a -> eval u Main.>>= \b -> (tick Main.>>= \()->Main.return(quot a b))

answer :: Term
answer = (Div (Div (Con 1972)(Con 2))(Con 23))

(result, state) = eval answer 0

main = putStrLn ((show result) ++ ", " ++ (show state))


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)

要使新的monad与所有现有的Haskell机制一起使用 - 例如do符号 - 您需要做的就是将类型声明为Monad类型类的实例。然后,Prelude函数>>=return等将与您的新类型一起使用,就像处理所有其他Monad类型一样。

但是,存在一个限制,需要对示例进行一些更改。类型同义词(用type声明)不能成为类实例。 (您的M a Int -> (a, Int)完全相同。)您需要使用datanewtype。 (这两者之间的区别在这里不相关。)

这两个关键字都创造了一种真正的新类型;特别是,他们创建了一个新的数据构造函数。您应该在任何基本的Haskell文本中阅读此内容。简而言之,newtype X a = Y (...)创建了一个新的类型 X a;您可以使用构造函数Y 创建该类型的值(它可以且通常与类型构造函数X具有相同的名称);您可以通过Y上的模式匹配消费值。如果您选择不导出数据构造函数Y,则只有模块中的函数才能直接操作这些值。

(还有GHC扩展程序TypeSynonymInstances,但由于单独的问题,它无法帮助您:类型同义词无法部分应用;对于任何type X a = {- ... -},您只能写X aX Int或其他内容,而不只是X。您无法写instance Monad M,因为M已部分应用。)

之后,您需要做的就是将return>>=的定义移到instance Monad声明中:

newtype M a = M (State -> (a, State))

instance Monad M where
  return a = M $ \x -> (a, x)
  m >>= k = {- ... -}

请注意,(>>=)的实现稍微冗长,因为您需要使用其数据构造函数newtype来展开和重新包装M。查看the implementation of StateT in transformers,它使用记录访问器使其更容易。 (您可以手动编写与runM :: M -> State -> (a, State)和许多其他软件包使用的记录语法等效的函数transformers。)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    -- Otherwise you can't do the Applicative instance.
    import Control.Applicative

    -- Simple function
    foo :: String -> String
    foo x = do
        x ++ "!!!"

    -- Helper for printing Monads
    print2 :: (Show a) => MyBox a -> IO()
    print2 (MyBox x) = print x

    -- Custom type declaration
    data MyBox a = MyBox a

    -- MyBox functor
    instance Functor MyBox where  
        fmap f (MyBox x) = MyBox (f x)

    -- MyBox Applicative 
    instance Applicative MyBox where  
        pure = MyBox 
        (MyBox f) <*> x = f <$> x

    -- MyBox Monad
    instance Monad MyBox where  
        return x = MyBox x
        MyBox x >>= f  = f x 

    -- (MyBox as a functor) Use a function with a wrapped value
    result1 = foo <$> (MyBox "Brian")

    -- (MyBox as an Applicative) Use a wrapped function with a wrapped value
    result2 = (MyBox foo) <*> (MyBox "Erich")

    -- (MyBox as a Monad)  Use a wrapped value with a lambda (it can be chainable)
    myLambda1 = (\ x -> MyBox (x ++  " aaa"))
    myLambda2 = (\ x -> MyBox (x ++  " bbb"))
    myLambda3 = (\ x -> MyBox (x ++  " ccc"))
    result3 = (MyBox "Rick") 
        >>= myLambda1
        >>= myLambda2
        >>= myLambda3

    -- Another Monad syntax
    result4 = do
        x <- MyBox "A" 
        y <- MyBox "B"  
        z <- MyBox "C"  
        MyBox (x ++ y ++ z)

    main = do
        print2(result1) -- "Brian!!!"
        print2(result2) -- "Erich!!!"
        print2(result3) -- "Rick aaa bbb ccc"
        print2(result4) -- "ABC"