该函数采用STARTING POINT(来自wm_lbuttondown命令的旧lParam)并从STARTING POINT中减去CURRENT POINT,并将结果乘以某个浮点系数。
class cam
int sp; //staring point saved here
float x_coeff;//the addresses of sp and x_coeff are aligned , I can load them both as a quad-word later
return 0;
return 0;
cam::drag_camera(LPARAM lParam)
float step=0.001;
short old_x=sp&0xFFFF;
short old_y=sp>>16;
short current_x=lParam&0xFFFF;
short curretn_y=lParam>>16;
.... do something with the step
好的,它有效,但我正在尝试使用asm和所有那些不错的寄存器。 所以这是我的代码同样的东西,但使用mmx寄存器
cam::drag_camera(LPARAM lParam)
movd mm0,lParam //MOVE current mouse LPARAM point to mm0 - mm0 = 00:00:cy:cx
movq mm1,[ebx+40h] //MOVE starting mouse point LPARAM to low dword of mm1 and x_coeff in high dword of mm1 - mm1 = x_coeff:sy:sx
psubw mm1,mm0 //SUB current - starting mm1 = x_coeff:(sy-cy):(sx-cx)
punpcklwd mm2,mm1 //PUT packed word result to mm2 double words m2=00:(sy-cy):00:(sx-cx)
psrad mm2,16 //Sign extend both double words of the result m2=(sy-cy):(sx-cx)
cvtpi2ps xmm7,mm2 //MOVE X Y result to XMM7 xmm7 = 0000:0000:sy-cy:sx-cx
psrlq mm1,32 //SHIFT the x_coeff from the high dword to the left m1=00:00:x_coeff
movq2dq xmm6,mm1 //SEND coeff to xmm6 low dword xmm6=0000:0000:0000:x_coeff
shufps xmm6,xmm6,00h //SHUFFLE x_coeff everywhere xmm6=x_coeff:x_coeff:x_coeff:x_coeff
mulps xmm7,xmm6 //MULTIPLY 0:0:Y:X by x_coeff xmm7=0000:0000:(sy-cy)*x_coeff:(sx-cx)*x_coeff
问题是 - 这是一种做这么简单的运动的快速方法,还是我可以选择其他方式做这些事情?感谢