端口Win32 DLL挂钩到Linux

时间:2010-04-16 02:26:22

标签: c++ linux dll winapi hook



#pragma comment(linker, "/export:oldFunc=nwshader.newFunc)



目前我正在构建Ubuntu 9.10 x64(使用32位编译器标志)。我无法在Google上找到太多帮助,但我不确切地知道* nix社区所指的是什么。我可以编写C ++代码,但我更习惯于Windows。作为OpenGL,需要修改以与Linux兼容的唯一部分是挂钩代码和调用。有没有一种简单易用的方法,或者它是否涉及重新创建Detours并动态加载原始函数地址?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)




#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int (*orig_puts)(const char *);

int puts (const char * str) {
    void * handle = dlopen("/lib/libc.so.6", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
    orig_puts = dlsym(handle,"puts");
    fprintf (stderr,"I have hooked your puts\n");
    return orig_puts(str);


#include <stdio.h>

int main () {
    puts ("Hello World");
    return 0;


$ ./a.out
Hello World
$ LD_PRELOAD=./libhook ./a.out
I have hooked your puts
Hello World

答案 1 :(得分:3)

这听起来像你在找什么。您可能已经找到了解决方案,但我想我会通过这个解决方案。我使用linux并玩NWN,并希望能够使用nwshader。 OGC(在文章中提到)似乎是通过打断Opengl来实现的某种多人作弊,就像nwshader所做的那样,但是出于不同的目的。



This is a basic "Hello world" detour example in C++.
It does not make use of the Microsoft detour library.
Therefore it works on Windows, Linux and Mac.

I used the detour and undetour functions from OGC, but corrected it for IA64, and I also corrected the bug that made it crash on Fedora.
Also, it works with C++. If you want to use it with pure C, you need to remove the C++ style typecasts, as well as the template.
You don't need the template in C anyway, since C lets you convert any pointer to void* without any error or even warning.
Works with IA-32 & IA-64 & AMD64 x86 processors.

To be fully working, you would need to include a disassembler and adjust relative jumps in the 5+ bytes detourlength. You would also need to take care if you are writing over to the next memory page. (It almost never happens, but it could happen.)

On IA-64, you can maximally jump 4 Gigabytes. That should be sufficient for any normal program, however.

#if ( defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64) )
    #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
    #define WIN64_LEAN_AND_MEAN
    #include <windows.h>

    #define unprotect(addr,len) (VirtualProtect(addr,len,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,&oldprot))
    #define GETPAGESIZE()        getpagesize()

    DWORD oldprot ;

    unsigned long getpagesize (void)
        static long g_pagesize = 0 ;
        if (! g_pagesize)
            SYSTEM_INFO system_info ;
            GetSystemInfo(&system_info) ;
            g_pagesize = system_info.dwPageSize ;
        return (unsigned long) g_pagesize ;

    #define CLEAR_SCREEN "cls"

#else // LINUX / UNIX / OS X
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <sys/mman.h>

    #define unprotect(addr,len)  (mprotect(addr,len,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC))
    #define GETPAGESIZE()         sysconf (_SC_PAGE_SIZE)
    #define CLEAR_SCREEN "reset"

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

    unsigned long uslngPageSize = 0    ;
    unsigned long uslngPageMask = 0    ;

    #define JMP_OPCODE 0xE9
    #define OPCODE_LENGTH 1
    #define DATATYPE_ADDRESS int
    #define INT_DETOUR_FACTOR 1
    #define OPCODE_NOT_DEFINED 0

// detourlength[ENGINE][FUNCTION_NAME]

    original_##FUNCTION_NAME = TemplateFuncInterceptFunction( \
                                                             original_##FUNCTION_NAME, \
                                                             reinterpret_cast<unsigned long> (&FUNCTION_NAME), \
                                                             reinterpret_cast<unsigned long> (&modified_##FUNCTION_NAME), \
                                                             static_cast<unsigned long> (FUNCTION_NAME##_COPY) \

    unpatchfunc( reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(&FUNCTION_NAME)), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*> (reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>( original_##FUNCTION_NAME)), static_cast<unsigned long> (FUNCTION_NAME##_COPY))

    Naturalized_##FUNCTION_NAME = FuncConvertAddress(Naturalized_##FUNCTION_NAME, &FUNCTION_NAME)

template <class DataType>
DataType FuncConvertAddress(const DataType dt_FunctionPointer, unsigned long uslng_FunctionAddress)
    return reinterpret_cast<DataType> (uslng_FunctionAddress) ;

void* FuncGetPage(const unsigned long &uslngVirtualMemoryAddress)
    return reinterpret_cast<void*> (uslngVirtualMemoryAddress & uslngPageMask) ;

void* InterceptFunction (void* voidptr_AddressOfDetouredFunction, unsigned long uslng_CopyLength, void* voidptr_AddressOfDetourFunction)
    DATATYPE_ADDRESS Relocation ;
    //printf("copy length: %ld\n", uslng_CopyLength);
    void* voidptr_BackupForOriginalFunction = malloc( uslng_CopyLength + MIN_REQUIRED_FOR_DETOUR ) ;
    //printf("Sizeof Backuppointer %ld\n", sizeof(voidptr_BackupForOriginalFunction));
    //printf("Sizeof AddrDetouredFunction %d\n", sizeof(voidptr_AddressOfDetouredFunction));

    memcpy( voidptr_BackupForOriginalFunction, voidptr_AddressOfDetouredFunction, uslng_CopyLength) ;

        printf("Error: OP-Code not defined\n.") ;
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ;

    memset( reinterpret_cast<void*> (reinterpret_cast<unsigned long> (voidptr_BackupForOriginalFunction) + uslng_CopyLength),

    Relocation = static_cast<DATATYPE_ADDRESS> (reinterpret_cast<unsigned long> (voidptr_AddressOfDetouredFunction)
                  - (reinterpret_cast<unsigned long> (voidptr_BackupForOriginalFunction)
                  + MIN_REQUIRED_FOR_DETOUR)) ;

    memcpy( reinterpret_cast<void*> ( reinterpret_cast<unsigned long> (voidptr_BackupForOriginalFunction)
             + uslng_CopyLength + OPCODE_LENGTH), &Relocation, ADDRESS_LENGTH) ;

    unprotect(FuncGetPage(reinterpret_cast <unsigned long> (voidptr_AddressOfDetouredFunction)),uslngPageSize) ;

    memset(voidptr_AddressOfDetouredFunction, JMP_OPCODE, OPCODE_LENGTH) ;

    Relocation = static_cast<DATATYPE_ADDRESS> ( reinterpret_cast<unsigned long> (voidptr_AddressOfDetourFunction)
                  - (reinterpret_cast<unsigned long> (voidptr_AddressOfDetouredFunction)
                  + MIN_REQUIRED_FOR_DETOUR)) ;

    memcpy( reinterpret_cast<void*> (reinterpret_cast<unsigned long> (voidptr_AddressOfDetouredFunction)
             + OPCODE_LENGTH), &Relocation, ADDRESS_LENGTH) ;
    unprotect(FuncGetPage(reinterpret_cast <unsigned long> (voidptr_BackupForOriginalFunction)),uslngPageSize) ;

    return voidptr_BackupForOriginalFunction ;

// C++ is typesafe, they said...
// I say: Yes, but at which price ?
template <class DataType>
DataType TemplateFuncInterceptFunction( DataType dt_Original_Function, unsigned long uslng_FunctionAddress,
                                        unsigned long uslng_modified_FunctionName, unsigned long uslng_DetourLength)
    return reinterpret_cast<DataType>
            ( reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>
                ( InterceptFunction( reinterpret_cast<void*> (uslng_FunctionAddress),
                                     reinterpret_cast<void*> (uslng_modified_FunctionName)

void SayHello()
    printf("Hello World\n");

void modified_SayHello()
    printf("**** World\n");

void (*original_SayHello)();
//#define SayHello_COPY 9
#define SayHello_COPY 6

void unpatchfunc(void* patched_function, unsigned char* original_function, unsigned long uslng_DetourLength)
    //DWORD dw_OldProtect;
    //VirtualProtect(patched_function, uslng_DetourLength, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dw_OldProtect);
    unprotect(FuncGetPage(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(patched_function) ), uslngPageSize) ;
    unsigned int intIndex;
    for( intIndex = 0; intIndex < uslng_DetourLength; ++intIndex)
        *( (unsigned char*) patched_function + intIndex) = *(original_function + intIndex) ;

    //VirtualProtect(patched_function, uslng_DetourLength, dw_OldProtect, &dw_OldProtect);
    unprotect(FuncGetPage(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(patched_function) ), uslngPageSize) ;
        free( (void*) original_function) ;

int main()
    system( CLEAR_SCREEN ) ;
    uslngPageSize = GETPAGESIZE() ;
    uslngPageMask = ( ~(uslngPageSize - 1) ) ;
    printf("PageSize: %ld\n", uslngPageSize) ;
    printf("PageMask: 0x%08lX\n", uslngPageMask) ;
    SayHello() ;
    printf("Hotpatching now!!!\n") ;
    HOTPATCH(SayHello) ;
    printf("Hotpatched:\n") ;
    SayHello() ;
    printf("Backup:\n") ;
    original_SayHello() ;
    printf("Unpatching now\n") ;
    // expands to: unpatchfunc( (void*) SayHello, (unsigned char*) original_SayHello, (int) SayHello_COPY) ;
    printf("Unpatched:\n") ;
    SayHello() ;
    printf("EXIT_SUCCESS\n") ;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS ;

编辑:请注意,如果在Linux上的64位共享库/ dll中包含此函数,则会出现分段错误。这是因为64位共享库只能用-fPIC编译,这使得绕道更加困难,因为你必须在每次跳转之前读取PLT。您需要将共享库编译为32位共享对象(-m32)并使用32位可执行文件运行它。

答案 2 :(得分:2)

如您所述,将您自己的oldfunc写在共享库中并预加载它。但是还要编写一些在原始库上调用dlopen()的初始化,并dlsym()来获取指向原始oldfunc的函数指针。 (这些函数分别是LoadLibraryGetProcAddress的Unix等价物。)

答案 3 :(得分:0)

您可以查看functions redirection in shared ELF libraries的方法。附有代码。它允许您从特定模块挂钩特定功能。