res / raw files“not found”Android 5.0

时间:2014-10-22 00:32:35

标签: android android-resources android-5.0-lollipop

我的Eclipse ADT环境已经设置为使用Android L进行开发。从那时起,我的资源就出现了问题。在此之前,我的应用程序工作正常,下面解释了资源。

首先,带有数字[0-9]的文件会抛出错误" Resources $ NotFoundException"以及与此相关的大量其他内容(在加载资源时未找到包等)。

现在主赛事:res / raw 当我的res / raw文件夹中没有文件时,我的应用程序就会运行。当我添加文件时,它崩溃了。有没有人有任何想法?直到那时我才会处理一个变通方法,但这非常烦人。


编辑2:我在调试时更新。我创建了一个包含一个活动的新应用程序(由eclipse生成。我将Activity更改为不使用appcompat-v7(我的目标是API 11及更高版本),删除使用appcompat库的所有痕迹(删除app:并将主题切换为Holo.Light)。

当我在" raw"中没有文件时文件夹,应用程序运行正常。我添加了一个名为" a.txt"突然崩溃了。这必须对R.java文件做一些事情,因为" raw"在字符串之前添加,未找到的资源在字符串类中。

public static final class raw {
        public static final int a=0x7f060000;
    public static final class string {
        public static final int action_settings=0x7f080018;
        public static final int app_name=0x7f080001;
        public static final int buildroute_subtitle=0x7f08000e;
        public static final int buildroute_title=0x7f08000d;
  This file is automatically generated by Crashlytics to uniquely 
  identify individual builds of your Android application.

  Do NOT modify, delete, or commit to source control!

        public static final int com_crashlytics_android_build_id=0x7f080000;
        public static final int complaints_submission=0x7f080012;
        public static final int complaints_subtitle=0x7f080008;
        public static final int complaints_title=0x7f080007;
        public static final int hello_world=0x7f080014;

10-21 21:09:04.809: D/DisplayManager(29904): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", app 600 x 1024, real 600 x 1024, largest app 1024 x 999, smallest app 600 x 575, 60.0 fps, rotation 0, density 160, 160.421 x 159.568 dpi, layerStack 0, type BUILT_IN, address null, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
10-21 21:09:04.809: D/DisplayManager(29904): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", app 600 x 1024, real 600 x 1024, largest app 1024 x 999, smallest app 600 x 575, 60.0 fps, rotation 0, density 160, 160.421 x 159.568 dpi, layerStack 0, type BUILT_IN, address null, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
10-21 21:09:04.809: D/DisplayManager(29904): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", app 600 x 1024, real 600 x 1024, largest app 1024 x 999, smallest app 600 x 575, 60.0 fps, rotation 0, density 160, 160.421 x 159.568 dpi, layerStack 0, type BUILT_IN, address null, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
10-21 21:09:04.809: D/DisplayManager(29904): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", app 600 x 1024, real 600 x 1024, largest app 1024 x 999, smallest app 600 x 575, 60.0 fps, rotation 0, density 160, 160.421 x 159.568 dpi, layerStack 0, type BUILT_IN, address null, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
10-21 21:09:04.819: W/ActivityThread(29904): Application com.tommcfarlin.occupantsurvey is waiting for the debugger on port 8100...
10-21 21:09:04.829: I/System.out(29904): Sending WAIT chunk
10-21 21:09:04.859: I/dalvikvm(29904): Debugger is active
10-21 21:09:05.029: I/System.out(29904): Debugger has connected
10-21 21:09:05.029: I/System.out(29904): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-21 21:09:05.229: I/System.out(29904): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-21 21:09:05.429: I/System.out(29904): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-21 21:09:05.630: I/System.out(29904): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-21 21:09:05.830: I/System.out(29904): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-21 21:09:06.040: I/System.out(29904): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-21 21:09:06.230: I/System.out(29904): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-21 21:09:06.441: I/System.out(29904): debugger has settled (1497)
10-21 21:09:06.521: W/ResourceType(29904): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f080001
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): Failure retrieving text 0x7f080001 in package com.tommcfarlin.occupantsurvey
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x7f080001
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at android.content.res.Resources.getText(
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at$700(
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at$H.handleMessage(
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at$
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
10-21 21:09:06.551: W/ResourceType(29904): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f080001
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): Failure retrieving text 0x7f080001 in package com.tommcfarlin.occupantsurvey
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x7f080001
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at android.content.res.Resources.getText(
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at$700(
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at$H.handleMessage(
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at$
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:06.571: W/PackageManager(29904): 	at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
10-21 21:09:06.581: D/DisplayManager(29904): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", app 600 x 1024, real 600 x 1024, largest app 1024 x 999, smallest app 600 x 575, 60.0 fps, rotation 0, density 160, 160.421 x 159.568 dpi, layerStack 0, type BUILT_IN, address null, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
10-21 21:09:06.581: D/DisplayManager(29904): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", app 600 x 1024, real 600 x 1024, largest app 1024 x 999, smallest app 600 x 575, 60.0 fps, rotation 0, density 160, 160.421 x 159.568 dpi, layerStack 0, type BUILT_IN, address null, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
10-21 21:09:06.591: D/DisplayManager(29904): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", app 600 x 1024, real 600 x 1024, largest app 1024 x 999, smallest app 600 x 575, 60.0 fps, rotation 0, density 160, 160.421 x 159.568 dpi, layerStack 0, type BUILT_IN, address null, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
10-21 21:09:06.591: W/ResourceType(29904): Invalid package identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x7f0a0001
10-21 21:09:06.601: D/DisplayManager(29904): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", app 600 x 1024, real 600 x 1024, largest app 1024 x 999, smallest app 600 x 575, 60.0 fps, rotation 0, density 160, 160.421 x 159.568 dpi, layerStack 0, type BUILT_IN, address null, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
10-21 21:09:06.651: W/ResourceType(29904): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f020025
10-21 21:09:06.651: W/PackageManager(29904): Failure retrieving resources forcom.tommcfarlin.occupantsurvey: Resource ID #0x7f020025
10-21 21:09:06.721: E/MoreInfoHPW_ViewGroup(29904): Parent view is not a TextView
10-21 21:09:06.791: D/DisplayManager(29904): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", app 600 x 1024, real 600 x 1024, largest app 1024 x 999, smallest app 600 x 575, 60.0 fps, rotation 0, density 160, 160.421 x 159.568 dpi, layerStack 0, type BUILT_IN, address null, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
10-21 21:09:06.791: W/ResourceType(29904): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f030008
10-21 21:09:07.762: D/dalvikvm(29904): threadid=1: still suspended after undo (sc=1 dc=1)
10-21 21:09:18.433: D/AndroidRuntime(29904): Shutting down VM
10-21 21:09:18.433: W/dalvikvm(29904): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41237ac8)
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.tommcfarlin.occupantsurvey/com.tommcfarlin.occupantsurvey.SplashScreen}: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f030008
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at$700(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at$H.handleMessage(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at$
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f030008
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at android.content.res.Resources.getValue(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at android.content.res.Resources.loadXmlResourceParser(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at android.content.res.Resources.getLayout(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at com.tommcfarlin.occupantsurvey.SplashScreen.onCreate(
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	at
10-21 21:09:18.493: E/AndroidRuntime(29904): 	... 11 more

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