步骤 1 :我有一项要求,例如单击我的应用程序中的按钮,应该触发邮件给“收件人”列表中的相应人员。
步骤 2 :该邮件项目应包含一个链接,例如“点击此处批准”。
步骤 3 :点击该链接后,应打开另一个邮件项目,收件人:xxx @ xxx.com,CC:yyy @ yyy.com,主题等。 ..
Body = "Hi, "
Body += "%0D The Deal - " + ClientName + ", has been Assigned to you %0D%0D"
Body += "Expected Signature Date : " + SignDate + " %0D"
Body += "Expected Funding Date : " + FundingDate + " %0D%0D"
Body += "Please, click the below link to view the details. %0D%0D"
Body += PathName + "%0D"
Body += "<a href=mailto: xxx.xxx@ge.com?Subject=Subject&body=Body> Click here to send mail</a>"
Body = Body.Replace("&", " ")
Body = Body.Replace("#", "")
sMsg = User.Redirect("mailto:" + cc + "?Subject=" + Subject + "&body=" + Body)
Public Function Redirect(ByVal PageName As String) As String
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
sb.Append("window.location.href='" + PageName + "'; ")
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
如果我使用Outlook DLL如何打开邮件项目。
Eg: Mailitem.Send() will send the mail. But i need to open the mail item.
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Outlook.Application app = new Outlook.Application ();
Outlook._MailItem mailItm = ( Outlook._MailItem)app.CreateItem ( Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem );
mailItm.To = "xxx@xxx.com";
mailItm.Cc = "yyy@yyy.com";
mailItm.Subject = "Some Subject";
// body, bcc etc...
mailItm.Display ( true );
如果您点击链接发送电子邮件并填写(收件人,主题,抄送等,)而不使用asp.net,您可以执行以下操作{{3} }:
<a href="mailto:xxx@xxx.com?Subject=Some%20Subject&Cc=yyy@yyy.com>
Click here to send mail