
时间:2014-10-20 22:33:50

标签: r logistic-regression

我正在使用R对我的数据集执行逻辑回归。我的数据集有50多个变量。 我正在运行以下代码:

glm(X...ResponseFlag ~ NetWorth + LOR + IntGrandChld + OccupInput, family = binomial, data = data)


> summary(ResponseModel)

glm(formula = X...ResponseFlag ~ NetWorth + LOR + IntGrandChld + 
    OccupInput, family = binomial, data = data)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.2785  -0.9576  -0.8925   1.3736   1.9721  

               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)   -0.971166   0.164439  -5.906 3.51e-09 ***
NetWorth       0.082168   0.019849   4.140 3.48e-05 ***
LOR           -0.019716   0.006494  -3.036   0.0024 ** 
IntGrandChld  -0.021544   0.085274  -0.253   0.8005    
OccupInput2    0.005796   0.138390   0.042   0.9666    
OccupInput3    0.471020   0.289642   1.626   0.1039    
OccupInput4   -0.031880   0.120636  -0.264   0.7916    
OccupInput5   -0.148898   0.129922  -1.146   0.2518    
OccupInput6   -0.481183   0.416277  -1.156   0.2477    
OccupInput7   -0.057485   0.218309  -0.263   0.7923    
OccupInput8    0.505676   0.123955   4.080 4.51e-05 ***
OccupInput9   -0.382375   0.821362  -0.466   0.6415    
OccupInputA  -12.903334 178.064831  -0.072   0.9422    
OccupInputB    0.581272   1.003193   0.579   0.5623    
OccupInputC   -0.034188   0.294507  -0.116   0.9076    
OccupInputD    0.224634   0.385959   0.582   0.5606    
OccupInputE   -1.292358   1.072864  -1.205   0.2284    
OccupInputF   14.132144 308.212341   0.046   0.9634    
OccupInputH    0.622677   1.006982   0.618   0.5363    
OccupInputU    0.087526   0.095740   0.914   0.3606    
OccupInputV   -1.010939   0.637746  -1.585   0.1129    
OccupInputW    0.262031   0.256238   1.023   0.3065    
OccupInputX    0.332209   0.428806   0.775   0.4385    
OccupInputY    0.059771   0.157135   0.380   0.7037    
OccupInputZ    0.638520   0.711979   0.897   0.3698    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 5885.1  on 4467  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 5809.6  on 4443  degrees of freedom
AIC: 5859.6

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 12

从输出中可以看出,一些新的变量如OccupInput2 ......已经出现。实际上,OccupInput的值为1,2,3,...... A,B,C,D ..但是对于NetWorth,LOR并没有发生。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我认为模型中的OccupInput是一个因子变量。当你在线性模型中包含阶乘回归量时,R引入了所谓的dummy variables


您可以从OccupInput调用的输出验证sapply(data, class)的类型,从而生成输入数据框中列的数据类型。