Python语音识别'模块'对象没有属性' VARIANT'

时间:2014-10-19 18:46:02

标签: python python-2.7 speech-recognition attributeerror python-dragonfly


def listen():
    while 1:
        said = speech.input()
        print said
        if said == "off":


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/REDACTED/Documents/Python Projects/", line 59, in <module> useful.listen()

  File "C:/Users/REDACTED/Documents/Python Projects/", line 48, in listen 
said = speech.input()

  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\", line 162, in input
    listener = listenforanything(response)

  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\", line 193, in listenforanything
    return _startlistening(None, callback)

  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\", line 223, in _startlistening
    grammar = context.CreateGrammar()

  File "C:\Users\REDACTED\AppData\Local\Temp\gen_py\2.7\", line 2298, in CreateGrammar
ret = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(14, LCID, 1, (9, 0), ((12, 49),),GrammarId

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'VARIANT'


from dragonfly.all import Grammar, CompoundRule

# Voice command rule combining spoken form and recognition processing.
class ExampleRule(CompoundRule):
   spec = "do something computer"                  # Spoken form of command.
   def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):   # Callback when command is spoken.
       print "Voice command spoken."

# Create a grammar which contains and loads the command rule.
grammar = Grammar("example grammar")                # Create a grammar to contain the command        rule.
grammar.add_rule(ExampleRule())                     # Add the command rule to the grammar.
grammar.load()                                      # Load the grammar.


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:/Users/REDACTED/Documents/Python Projects/", line 14, in <module>
    grammar.load()                                      # Load the grammar.

  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\dragonfly\grammar\", line 302, in load

  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\dragonfly\engines\", line 79, in load_grammar
    handle = self._compiler.compile_grammar(grammar, context)

  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\dragonfly\engines\", line 68, in compile_grammar
    grammar_handle = context.CreateGrammar()

  File "C:\Users\REDACTED\AppData\Local\Temp\gen_py\2.7\", line 2298, in CreateGrammar
    ret = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(14, LCID, 1, (9, 0), ((12, 49),),GrammarId

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'VARIANT'

两个模块都是使用PIP安装的,并使用python 2.7解释器运行。这对我来说似乎是一个python版本的问题,因为两个不同的模块实现同样的事情会引发相同的错误,但我仍然坚持如何继续。


编辑1:对于遇到类似问题而碰巧偶然发现此帖子的人,请尝试作为py2.7的替代方案。如果它运行没有错误但行为不一致或无限循环,请尝试在第100行的 init .py中修改识别器类的init方法。能量阈值需要一些修改(100-> 300) )这可能是由于你的麦克风设置的细节。我也增加了我的安静时间(0.5-> 0.7),因为它有时会让我失望。在这些更改之后,它对我来说相当不错,在捕获结束后约2秒内返回非常准确的输入语音文本。

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