由于我需要将应用程序从C移植到Swift,我想知道是否有关于在Swift上使用pthread_create和pthread_join的示例。我知道通常我们必须使用NSThreads或GCD,但在这种情况下,我需要保持应用程序代码尽可能接近C应用程序。 谁能在这里举个例子? 顺便说一句,要调用的函数是Swift函数,而不是C函数
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Swift 4
class ThreadContext {
var someValue: String = "Some value"
func doSomething(pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer? {
let pContext = pointer.bindMemory(to: ThreadContext.self, capacity: 1)
print("Hello world: \(pContext.pointee.someValue)")
return nil
var attibutes = UnsafeMutablePointer<pthread_attr_t>.allocate(capacity: 1)
guard 0 == pthread_attr_init(attibutes) else {
fatalError("unable to initialize attributes")
defer {
guard 0 == pthread_attr_setdetachstate(attibutes, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE) else {
fatalError("unable to set detach state")
let pContext = UnsafeMutablePointer<ThreadContext>.allocate(capacity: 1)
var context = ThreadContext()
pContext.pointee = context
var thread: pthread_t? = nil
let result = pthread_create(&thread, attibutes, doSomething, pContext)
guard result == 0, let thread = thread else {
fatalError("unable to start pthread")
pthread_join(thread, nil)