问题很简单:当我尝试用日期的其余部分绘制一些指数方程时,它会显示和错误"向量必须是相同的长度"而且我不知道如何补救它。 数据是: 当我绘制多项式值
时,它工作正常 plot(T,S,'+', TT,polyval(q,TT)) % statement 1 : works!
plot(T,S,'+', TT,eb*10.^(em*T)) % statement 2 : doesn't work
T = 12 22 32 41 49
S = 4 9 12 14 16
TT = % 3701 in length i know the size doesn't match with others,
% but the statement 1 works and 2 doesnt)
q = -0.0047 0.6027 -2.3666
eb = 1.6860
em = 0.0152