.device ATmega2560
;this program adds two matrices of size 5x5
;first we initialize matrices (matrix1 and matrix2) and then store the result in matrix
;first get a pointer to matrix1 and put it in Register X: R27:R26
ldi R26, low(mymatrix1); get the low order byte of the address
ldi R27, high(mymatrix1); get the higher order byte of the address
ldi R16, 50; starting value of matrix1
ldi R17, 25; number of values to initialize is matrix size 2x2
;like for loop in C (do the following as long as R17>0)
st X+, r16;
inc R16; next value to initialize
dec R17; decrement count R17
breq nextinit; initialized first matrix. go to next one
rjmp loop
;now initialize second matrix
ldi R26, low(mymatrix2); get the low order byte of the address
ldi r27, high(mymatrix2); get the higher order byte of the address
ldi R16, 1; starting value of matrix2
ldi R17, 25; number of values to initialize
;like for loop in C (do the following as long as R17>0)
st X+, r16;
inc R16; next value to initialize
dec R17;
breq add_matrix; initialized second matrix. go to add them
rjmp loop1
;get the address of matrix1 into X register
ldi R26, low(mymatrix1); get the low order byte of the address
ldi R27, high(mymatrix1); get the higher order byte of the address
;get the address of matrix2 into Y register
ldi R28, low(mymatrix2); get the low order byte of the address
ldi R29, high(mymatrix2); get the higher order byte of the address
;get the address of matrix into Z register
ldi R30, low(mymatrix3); get the low order byte of the address
ldi R31, high(mymatrix3); get the higher order byte of the address
;add matrices in a loop
ldi R17, 4; number of values to initialize
ld R0,X+;get the element from matrix1 into R0
ld R1,Y+;get the element from matrix2 into R1
add R0, R1; R0=R0+R1 add the elements
st Z+,R0; store the result
dec R17;
breq sub_matrix; we are done adding matrices
rjmp loop2; if not continue
;get the address of matrix1 into X register
ldi R26, low(mymatrix1); get the low order byte of the address
ldi R27, high(mymatrix1); get the higher order byte of the address
;get the address of matrix2 into Y register
ldi R28, low(mymatrix2); get the low order byte of the address
ldi R29, high(mymatrix2); get the higher order byte of the address
;get the address of matrix into Z register
ldi R30, low(mymatrix4); get the low order byte of the address
ldi R31, high(mymatrix4); get the higher order byte of the address
;add matrices in a loop
ldi R17, 25; number of values to initialize
ld R0,X+;get the element from matrix1 into R0
ld R1,Y+;get the element from matrix2 into R1
sub R0, R1; R0=R0+R1 add the elements
st Z+,R0; store the result
dec R17;
breq done; we are done adding matrices
rjmp loop3; if not continue
rjmp done; infinite loop
;initialize the matrix values
; store for final result
.org 0x000200 ; ATmega2560 data memory starts at 0x000200
mymatrix1: .byte 4; defines 4 bytes of storage for matrix1
mymatrix2: .byte 4; defines 4 bytes of storage for matrix2
mymatrix3: .byte 4; defines 4 bytes of storage for matrix
mymatrix4: .byte 4