C ++设置服务器与telnet客户端一起使用时出错

时间:2014-10-16 23:45:55

标签: c++ networking telnet


Error   1   error C4996: 'inet_addr': Use inet_pton() or InetPton() instead or define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS to disable deprecated API warnings



// MUD Programming
// Ron Penton
// (C)2003
// SocketLibSystem.cpp - This header contains all of the socket functions
// that aren't related to any classes.

#include "SocketLibSystem.h"
#include "SocketLibErrors.h"

// this is a simple object-oriented socket library wrapper around
// winsock/BSDsockets. It will only use TCP/IP as it's method of communication,
// and will have no UDP support at all.
namespace SocketLib

    // ========================================================================
    //  This class is designed to be a global singleton that initializes
    //  and shuts down Winsock.
    // ========================================================================
    #ifdef WIN32                // windows 95 and above
        class System
            // ================================================================
            //  This initializes winsock
            // ================================================================
                // attempt to start up the winsock lib
                WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &m_WSAData );

            // ========================================================================
            //  This shuts down winsock
            // ========================================================================
                // attempt to close down the winsock lib

            // holds information about winsock
            WSADATA m_WSAData;

        System g_system;

    // ========================================================================
    // Function:    GetIPAddress
    // Purpose:     To get the IP address of the string as an ipaddress
    //              structure. Throws an exception if the address cannot be
    //              converted.
    // ========================================================================
    ipaddress GetIPAddress( const std::string p_address )

        if( IsIPAddress( p_address ) )
            // if the address is just a regular IP address, there's no need
            // to do a DNS lookup, so just convert the string directly into
            // its binary format.
            ipaddress addr = inet_addr( p_address.c_str() );
            //inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, buf);

            // if the address is invalid, throw a HOST_NOT_FOUND exception.
            if( addr == INADDR_NONE )
                throw Exception( EDNSNotFound );

            // by this point, the address is valid, so return it.
            return addr;
            // the address isn't an IP address, so we need to look it up using
            // DNS. 
            struct hostent* host = gethostbyname( p_address.c_str() );

            // if there was an error, throw an exception.
            if( host == 0 )
                // get the error from h_errno.
                throw Exception( GetError( false ) );

            // now perform some really wierd casting tricks to get the value.
            // h_addr is a char*, so cast it into an ipaddress*, and 
            // dereference it to get the value.
            return *((ipaddress*)host->h_addr);

    // ========================================================================
    // Function:    GetIPString
    // Purpose:     Converts an ipaddress structure to a string in numerical
    //              format.
    // ========================================================================
    std::string GetIPString( ipaddress p_address )
        // return a new string containing the address.
        // (god that is some ugly casting going on... stupid language)
        char* str = inet_ntoa( *((in_addr*)&p_address) );
        if( str == 0 )
            return std::string( "Invalid IP Address" );
        return std::string( str );

    // ========================================================================
    // Function:    GetHostNameString
    // Purpose:     Converts an ipaddress structure to a string using
    //              reverse-DNS lookup. This may block.
    // ========================================================================
    std::string GetHostNameString( ipaddress p_address )
        // get the host info.
        struct hostent* host = gethostbyaddr( (char*)&p_address, 4, AF_INET );

        // if there was an error, throw an exception.
        if( host == 0 )
            // get the error from h_errno.
            throw Exception( GetError( false ) );

        return std::string( host->h_name );

    // ========================================================================
    // Function:    IsIPAddress
    // Purpose:     determines if a string contains a pure numerical IP address
    //              (returns true) or a DNS'able address (returns false)
    // ========================================================================
    bool IsIPAddress( const std::string p_address )
        // scan through the string to see if it's a pure IP address or not.
        // basically, we assume that any string with characters other than
        // numerics and periods needs to be DNS'ed.
        for( size_t i = 0; i < p_address.length(); i++ )
            if( ( p_address[i] < '0' || p_address[i] > '9' ) && 
                p_address[i] != '.' )
                return false;
        return true;



1 个答案:

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ipaddress GetIPAddress( const std::string p_address )
    if( IsIPAddress( p_address ) )
        // if the address is just a regular IP address, there's no need
        // to do a DNS lookup, so just convert the string directly into
        // its binary format.

        // if the address is invalid, throw a HOST_NOT_FOUND exception.
        IN_ADDR addr;
        if( inet_pton(AF_INET, p_address.c_str(), &addr) != 1 )
            throw Exception( EDNSNotFound );

        // by this point, the address is valid, so return it.
        return addr.s_addr;
        // the address isn't an IP address, so we need to look it up using DNS. 
        struct hostent* host = gethostbyname( p_address.c_str() );

        // if there was an error, throw an exception.
        if( !host )
            // get the error from h_errno.
            throw Exception( GetError( false ) );

        // make sure it is IPv4
        if( host->h_addrtype != AF_INET )
            throw Exception( EDNSNotFound );

        // now perform some really wierd casting tricks to get the value.
        // h_addr is a char*, so cast it into an in_addr*, and 
        // dereference it to get the value.

        return *((in_addr*)(host->h_addr));


ipaddress GetIPAddress( const std::string p_address )
    // if the address is just a regular IP address, there's no need
    // to do a DNS lookup, so just convert the string directly into
    // its binary format.

    addrinfo hints = {0};
    hints.ai_flags = IsIPAddress( p_address ) ? AI_NUMERICHOST : 0;
    hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;

    // if the address is invalid, throw a HOST_NOT_FOUND exception.
    addrinfo *addrs = NULL;
    if( getaddrinfo( p_address.c_str(), NULL, &hints, &addrs ) != 0 )
        throw Exception( EDNSNotFound );

    // by this point, the address is valid, so return it.

    // now perform some really wierd casting tricks to get the value.
    // ai_addr is a sockaddr*, so cast it to an sockaddr_in*, and 
    // dereference it to get the value.

    ipaddress addr = ((sockaddr_in*)(addrs->ai_addr))->sin_addr.s_addr;

    return addr;

getnameinfo() gethostbyaddr()中使用GetHostNameString()代替inet_ntoa()GetIPString()中可选择代替std::string GetHostNameString( ipaddress p_address ) { char host[NI_MAXHOST+1] = {0}; struct sockaddr_in addr = {0}; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = p_address; // get the host info. // if there was an error, throw an exception. if( getnameinfo( (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr), host, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, 0 ) != 0 ) { throw Exception( EDNSNotFound ); } return std::string( host ); } ):
