线程中的异常" main" org.eclipse.swt.SWTException:由于错误800a025e,无法完成操作。
public void searchNextOccuranceOfWord(String str)
System.out.println("Search next button is pressed");
String script_finddown= " var supported = false;"+
"var found = false;"+
"if (window.find) {"+ // Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari
"supported = true;"+
// if some content is selected, the start position of the search
// will be the end position of the selection
"found = window.find (\""+ str+ "\",false,false,false,false,true,false);return \" found \"; "+
"else {"+
"if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {"+ // Internet Explorer, Opera before version 10.5
"var textRange = document.selection.createRange ();"+
"if (textRange.findText) {"+ // Internet Explorer
"supported = true;"+
// if some content is selected, the start position of the search
// will be the position after the start position of the selection
"if (textRange.text.length > 0) {"+
"textRange.collapse (true);"+
"textRange.move (\"character\", 1);"+
"found = textRange.findText (\""+str+ "\",1);"+
"if (found) {"+
"textRange.select ();return \"found \" ; "+
"if (supported) {"+
"if (!found) {"+
"return \" not found\"; "+
"else {"+
"return \" not suppoerted\"; " +
"} " ;
//boolean ex = browser.execute("window.find(\"" + str + "\" ,false,false,true,false,true,false )");
String ex = (String)browser.evaluate(script_finddown);
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
我调试了它,发现声明中有问题" textRange.select()"