class hammer1 extends Simulation {
val repeatCount = 2000
val concurrentUsers = 100
object Post {
// repeat is a loop resolved at RUNTIME
val post = repeat(repeatCount, "i") { // Note how we force the counter name so we can reuse it
.header(HttpHeaderNames.ContentType, HttpHeaderValues.ApplicationJson)
.queryParam("""size""", "1000")
.body(StringBody("""{"payload":"Large number of 9s"}""")
object Get {
// repeat is a loop resolved at RUNTIME
val get = repeat(repeatCount, "i") { // Note how we force the counter name so we can reuse it
. pause(1)
val httpConf = http
. baseURL("http://<url>")
val posters = scenario("Posters").exec(Post.post)
val getters = scenario("Getters").exec(Get.get)
setUp(posters.inject(rampUsers(concurrentUsers) over (10 seconds)),
getters.inject(rampUsers(concurrentUsers) over (10 seconds))
答案 0 :(得分:0)
My2cents:内容被提供给具有过期日期标题的getter,因此它被缓存。 请参阅caching documentation。