我为客户端继承了这个Access数据库,并负责更新其中的一些内容。不幸的是,我对VBA / Access了解不多。我一直在Runtime error 2465: Can't find the field "|1" referenced
Private Sub cbCompleted_AfterUpdate()
If cbCompleted = -1 Then
tbCompleted = Date
tbCompleted.Locked = True
Doctor_Name.Locked = True
Department.Locked = True
Start_Date.Locked = True
Specialty.Locked = True
Doctor_.Locked = True
Taxonomy_.Locked = True
DepartmentCombo.Locked = True
UPIN_.Locked = True
SpecialtyCombo.Locked = True
Dim sd As String
Dim dn As String
sd = "" & [Start Date]
dn = "" & [Doctor Name]
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , "Tim,Keith,Yvonne,Sandy,susan@domain.org,Vicki@domain.org", "Tom,Barbara,Rachael,Penny,Troy,bernasue@domain.org", , "Doctor " & dn & " " & "Start Date:" & " " & sd, dn & " " & "is scheduled to start" & sd & vbNewLine & "NPI# :" & [NPI#] & vbNewLine & "Specialty: " & [Speciality#] & vbNewLine & "Department/Practice: " & [Department#] & vbNewLine & "Provider# for HR/Acctg: " & [Doctor#], True
'[snip] Unlock all fields locked above
End If
End Sub