这仅在程序运行时~15%的时间内发生。我通过“计数器”变量将“回合”的数量限制为10来停止无限终端循环。如果没有计数器停止循环,它会将攻击伤害降低为负指数值(ex 1.80e-80)并停止从生命值中减去。
pokemon = ['Bulbasaur', 'Charizard', 'Squirtle']
player_one_selection = rand(3)
player_two_selection = rand(3)
puts player_one_selection
counter = 0
until player_one_selection != player_two_selection
counter += 1
player_two_selection = rand(3)
print "#{counter} "
puts player_two_selection
player_one_pkmn = pokemon[player_one_selection]
player_two_pkmn = pokemon[player_two_selection]
puts player_one_pkmn
puts player_two_pkmn
p1_dm = 1
p2_dm = 1
if player_one_pkmn == 'Bulbasaur' && player_two_pkmn == 'Charizard'
p1_dm = 0.9
p2_dm = 1.1
if player_one_pkmn == 'Squirtle' && player_two_pkmn == 'Charizard'
p1_dm = 1.1
p2_dm = 0.9
if player_one_pkmn == 'Bulbasaur' && player_two_pkmn == 'Squirtle'
p1_dm = 1.1
p2_dm = 0.9
if player_one_pkmn == 'Squirtle' && player_two_pkmn == 'Bulbasaur'
p1_dm = 0.9
p2_dm = 1.1
if player_one_pkmn == 'Charizard' && player_two_pkmn == 'Squirtle'
p1_dm = 0.9
p2_dm = 1.1
if player_one_pkmn == 'Charizard' && player_two_pkmn == 'Bulbasaur'
p1_dm = 1.1
p2_dm = 0.9
jugador_uno = {
"pokemon" => player_one_pkmn,
"pokemon-type" => "",
"pokemon-health" => 100,
"damage-modifier" => p1_dm,
"pokemon-lvl" => rand(5)+5,
"current-attack" => ["",0]
jugador_dos = {
"pokemon" => player_two_pkmn,
"pokemon-type" => "",
"pokemon-health" => 100,
"damage-modifier" => p2_dm,
"pokemon-lvl" => rand(5)+5,
"current-attack" => ["",0]
puts jugador_uno
puts jugador_dos
puts "\nReady to Battle! \n"
attacks = [
['tackle', 20], ['leer', 5], ['bite', 35], ['special-attack', 50]
counter = 0
# until jugador_uno['pokemon-health'] <= 0 || jugador_dos['pokemon-health'] <= 0
loop do
jugador_uno['current-attack'] = attacks[rand(4)]
jugador_dos['current-attack'] = attacks[rand(4)]
jugador_uno['current-attack'][1] = jugador_uno['current-attack'][1] * jugador_uno['pokemon-lvl'] / 10 * jugador_uno['damage-modifier']
jugador_dos['current-attack'][1] = jugador_dos['current-attack'][1] * jugador_dos['pokemon-lvl'] / 10 * jugador_dos['damage-modifier']
puts "Lvl. #{jugador_uno['pokemon-lvl']} #{jugador_uno['pokemon']} attack: #{jugador_uno['current-attack'][0].capitalize} did #{jugador_uno['current-attack'][1]} damage."
puts "Lvl. #{jugador_dos['pokemon-lvl']} #{jugador_dos['pokemon']} attack: #{jugador_dos['current-attack'][0].capitalize} did #{jugador_dos['current-attack'][1]} damage.\n"
jugador_dos['pokemon-health'] -= jugador_uno['current-attack'][1]
jugador_uno['pokemon-health'] -= jugador_dos['current-attack'][1]
puts "\n#{jugador_uno['pokemon']} health: #{jugador_uno['pokemon-health']}"
puts "#{jugador_dos['pokemon']} health: #{jugador_dos['pokemon-health']}\n"
counter += 1
break if jugador_uno['pokemon-health'] <= 0 || jugador_dos['pokemon-health'] <= 0 || counter > 10
Seths-MacBook-Air:learn-ruby$ ruby pokemon_game.rb
{"pokemon"=>"Squirtle", "pokemon-type"=>"", "pokemon-health"=>100, "damage-modifier"=>0.9, "pokemon-lvl"=>6, "current-attack"=>["", 0]}
{"pokemon"=>"Bulbasaur", "pokemon-type"=>"", "pokemon-health"=>100, "damage-modifier"=>1.1, "pokemon-lvl"=>6, "current-attack"=>["", 0]}
Ready to Battle!
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Bite did 18.900000000000002 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Tackle did 13.200000000000001 damage.
Squirtle health: 86.8
Bulbasaur health: 81.1
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Special-attack did 27.0 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Leer did 3.3000000000000003 damage.
Squirtle health: 83.5
Bulbasaur health: 54.099999999999994
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Bite did 10.206 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Leer did 2.178 damage.
Squirtle health: 81.322
Bulbasaur health: 43.89399999999999
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Bite did 5.51124 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Leer did 1.43748 damage.
Squirtle health: 79.88452000000001
Bulbasaur health: 38.38275999999999
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Special-attack did 14.58 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Bite did 3.6374184 damage.
Squirtle health: 76.24710160000001
Bulbasaur health: 23.802759999999992
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Tackle did 7.128 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Leer did 0.9487368000000003 damage.
Squirtle health: 75.2983648
Bulbasaur health: 16.674759999999992
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Bite did 1.29637591776 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Bite did 1.29637591776 damage.
Squirtle health: 74.00198888224
Bulbasaur health: 15.378384082239991
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Leer did 0.5123178720000002 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Tackle did 4.70448 damage.
Squirtle health: 69.29750888224
Bulbasaur health: 14.86606621023999
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Bite did 0.7000429955904002 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Leer did 0.3381297955200002 damage.
Squirtle health: 68.95937908671999
Bulbasaur health: 14.166023214649591
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Bite did 0.37802321761881613 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Leer did 0.22316566504320015 damage.
Squirtle health: 68.7362134216768
Bulbasaur health: 13.787999997030775
Lvl. 6 Squirtle attack: Bite did 0.1347274747593461 damage.
Lvl. 6 Bulbasaur attack: Bite did 0.1347274747593461 damage.
Squirtle health: 68.60148594691745
Bulbasaur health: 13.653272522271429
答案 0 :(得分:2)
attacks = [
['tackle', 20], ['leer', 5], ['bite', 35], ['special-attack', 50]
loop do
puts "attack choices: #{attacks}"
jugador_uno['current-attack'] = attacks[rand(4)]
jugador_dos['current-attack'] = attacks[rand(4)]
jugador_uno['current-attack'][1] = jugador_uno['current-attack'][1] * jugador_uno['pokemon-lvl'] / 10 * jugador_uno['damage-modifier']
jugador_dos['current-attack'][1] = jugador_dos['current-attack'][1] * jugador_dos['pokemon-lvl'] / 10 * jugador_dos['damage-modifier']
# ...
您会发现,在第一次迭代中,攻击包含['tackle', 20], ['leer', 5], ['bite', 35], ['special-attack', 50]
attack choices: [["tackle", 20], ["leer", 5], ["bite", 35], ["special-attack", 50]]
attack choices: [["tackle", 20], ["leer", 5], ["bite", 10.395000000000001], ["special-attack", 50]]
attack choices: [["tackle", 20], ["leer", 2.7], ["bite", 1.6980232500000005], ["special-attack", 50]]
# bunch of iterations later
attack choices: [["tackle", 5.219269710359129e-11], ["leer", 2.46107539497387e-11], ["bite", 2.5860511581722106e-16], ["special-attack", 9.938279578366043e-12]]
jugador_uno['current-attack'][1] = jugador_uno['current-attack'][1] * jugador_uno['pokemon-lvl'] / 10 * jugador_uno['damage-modifier']
jugador_dos['current-attack'][1] = jugador_dos['current-attack'][1] * jugador_dos['pokemon-lvl'] / 10 * jugador_dos['damage-modifier']