
时间:2014-10-13 13:25:04

标签: r

我在服务器上使用R-studio,我曾经成功安装其他软件包,但是当我尝试安装软件包" rgdal"时,有错误:

* installing *source* package ‘rgdal’ ...
** package ‘rgdal’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
configure: CC: gcc -m64 -std=gnu99
configure: CXX: g++ -m64
configure: rgdal: 0.9-1
checking for /usr/bin/svnversion... no
configure: svn revision: 518
configure: gdal-config: gdal-config
checking gdal-config usability... 
./configure: line 2119: gdal-config: command not found
Error: gdal-config not found
The gdal-config script distributed with GDAL could not be found.
If you have not installed the GDAL libraries, you can
download the source from  http://www.gdal.org/
If you have installed the GDAL libraries, then make sure that
gdal-config is in your path. Try typing gdal-config at a
shell prompt and see if it runs. If not, use:
with appropriate values for your installation.

ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘rgdal’
* removing ‘/home/ruser1/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.1/rgdal’
Warning in install.packages :
  installation of package ‘rgdal’ had non-zero exit status

The downloaded source packages are in


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