我正在尝试做一些我觉得很容易的事情,但是,我似乎无法得到它。我有两个视图控制器。根据iPhone的旋转,我想显示一个控制器。我已经能够通过在appDelegate中放入一些代码来确定手机是否已旋转,但我似乎无法根据旋转加载View Controller。谁能帮我这个?在此先感谢您的帮助。
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我不知道你在AppDelegate中做了什么,或者你的应用程序的结构如何导航,标签栏或其他流程结构,我将提供一种实际在Apple Developer Library中找到的方式并且可以通过多种方式进行操作以满足您的需求:
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Request to turn on accelerometer and begin receiving accelerometer events
// Add an observer to this class that will trigger a method when it receives an "orientation did change" notification
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "orientationChanged:", name: UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification, object: nil)
override func orientationChanged(notification: NSNotification) {
// create appropriate view controller for new orientation
let newViewController = customViewControllerClass() // or maybe a storyboard view controller Identifier
// present new view controller
self.presentViewController(newViewController, animated: true) { () -> Void in
// maybe some code here to handle this view while we can still access it easily
// we also don't have to have this presentation be animated
此外,使用控件结构有条件地加载视图使您有机会首先在系统中查询当前方向,并继续这样做,而不是让各个视图都这样做。只是不要忘记实现上面Apple Developer Library链接中概述的最后一种方法,该方法会删除观察者并停止生成设备方向通知。