使用mercurial-server软件包安装后,没有使用hg push发送电子邮件

时间:2014-10-12 16:17:44

标签: version-control mercurial mercurial-server





。存储库运行良好,但问题是在我们进行一些更改后执行hg push时没有向用户发送电子邮件。

我在互联网上找到了几个描述如何解决这个问题的页面,但没有一个使用mercurial-server来发布存储库,并且使用hg push发送电子邮件的激活似乎因方法而异出版物。

如果hg push包裹,我如何使用mercurial-server激活电子邮件?我是否需要为mercurial设置SMTP服务器?


default = ssh://hg@<ip_address>/jays/project

hgext.notify = 

# Enable either changegroup or incoming.
# changegroup will send one email for each push,
# whereas incoming sends one email per changeset.
# Note: Configuring both is possible, but probably not
#       what you want, you'll get one email for the group
#       and one for each changeset in the group.
changegroup.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook
#commit.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook
#incoming.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook

from = <from@email.address>

host = <smtp.server.address>
# Optional options:
username = <smtp.server.username>
password = <smtp.server.password>
port = 465
tls = true
# local_hostname = me.example.com

# presently it is necessary to specify the baseurl for the notify
# extension to work.  It can be a dummy value if your repo isn't
# available via http
baseurl = file:///

# multiple sources can be specified as a whitespace separated list
sources = serve push pull bundle
# set this to False when you're ready for mail to start sending
test = false
# While the subscription information can be included in this file,
#   (in which case, set: config =)
# having it in a separate file allows for it to be version controlled
# and for the option of having subscribers maintain it themselves.
config = 
# you can override the changeset template here, if you want.
# If it doesn't start with \n it may confuse the email parser.
# here's an example that makes the changeset template look more like hg log:
#template = \ndetails:   {baseurl}{webroot}/rev/{node|short}\nchangeset: {rev}:{node|short}\nuser:      {author}\ndate:      {date|date}\ndescription:\n{desc}\n
template = \ndetails:   "{baseurl}{webroot}"\nchangeset: {rev}:{node|short}\nuser:      {author}\ndate:      {date|date}\ndescription:\n{desc}\n
# max lines of diffs to include (0=none, -1=all)
maxdiff = 1000

* = <first@recipient.address>

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