双重容器和指针C ++?

时间:2014-10-12 02:02:39

标签: c++ pointers containers

我有两个问题。 1.我是否使用最有效的容器来容纳[double,object *]? 2.如果Map是我应该使用的选择,那么一旦它在地图中,我是如何访问被指向的对象的?我试图在函数printMap()中打印地图,没有任何运气。试过多种变化。

  void printMap() {  //How do i verify what's in my map??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            for (it = cDatabase.begin(); it != cDatabase.end(); it++)
                double temp = 0;
                temp = it->first;
                cout << "Key: " << it->first << endl;
                cout << cDatabase[it->first]->getFirstName();




//Erik Plachta
//Purpose: Creating a Customer Relations Management system. Should be able to create employees and customers that can we stored within a database.

#include<fstream>      //for customer database
#include<map>          //for customer database
#include<sstream>       //for customer database
#include<stdlib.h>        //for customer database

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Employee {

    string firstName, lastName, password, username;  //used to create unique sessions for each user. Login info
    bool manager;   //If manager, will have spec privlages within the app.
    int sessionTime; //used to record login/logoff time. 

        Employee(string FN, string LN, string pass, string userN) { //first name, last name and pass
           setName(FN, LN);

        string getName() {
            string fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
            return fullName;

        bool confirmPassword(string pass) {  //used to test if true or false without giving program the password back.
            bool status = false; 
            if (pass == password) {
                status = true;
            return status;

        bool confirmUsername(string userN) {
            bool status = false;
            if (userN == username) {
                status = true;
            return status;

        void setName(string FN, string LN) {
            firstName = FN;
            lastName = LN;}

        void setPassword (string pass) {
            password = pass;

        void setUsername(string userN) {
            username = userN;

void printEmployee(Employee employee) {  //this is confirming the password entered was the same in the database. there will be a private database holding user login info
    bool status;
    cout <<"Name: " << employee.getName() << endl;
    status = employee.confirmPassword("123456"); 
    cout << "Password test: " << status << endl;
    status = employee.confirmUsername("EPlachta");
    cout << "Username test: " << status << endl;

class Customer {
    string firstName, lastName, phoneNumber, eMail; 
    double customerNumber;
        Customer (string FN, string LN, string phoneN, string EM, double customerNum) {
            setName(FN, LN);   

        string getFirstName() {
            return firstName;

        string getLastName() {
            return lastName;

        string getPhoneNumber() {
            return phoneNumber;

        string getEmailAddress(){
            return eMail;

        double getCustomerNumber() {
            return customerNumber;

        void printCustomer() {
            cout << "First Name: " << getFirstName() << endl;
            cout << "lastName: " << getLastName() << endl;
            cout << "Email: " << getEmailAddress() << endl;
            cout << "PhoneNumber: " << getPhoneNumber() << endl;
            cout <<"CustomerNumber: "<< getCustomerNumber() << endl;

        void setName(string FN, string LN) {
            firstName = FN;
            lastName = LN;

        void setPhoneNumber(string phoneN) {
            phoneNumber = phoneN;

        void setEmail(string EM) {
            eMail = EM;

        void setCustomerNumber(double customerNum) {
            customerNumber = customerNum;
} ;

//print customer is uptop here for now. Will be put into it's own class


class CustomerDatabase {
    double customerNumbers; // used to increment from 100000 - 99999. An easy way to give out new numbers and to prevent duplicates.
    map <double, Customer*> cDatabase;
    map <double, Customer*>:: iterator it;

        CustomerDatabase() { 
            customerNumbers = 100000;
        void printMap() {  //How do i verify what's in my map??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            for (it = cDatabase.begin(); it != cDatabase.end(); it++)
                double temp = 0;
                temp = it->first;
                cout << "Key: " << it->first << endl;
                cout << cDatabase[it->first]->getFirstName();
        double newCustomerNumber() {   // Used to generate unique customer IDs easily. 
            double customerNumberHolder = customerNumbers;
            return customerNumberHolder;

        bool saveCustomer(double customerN, Customer *c) { //saves customer to database once created  **NOT WORKING YET
            addCustomer(customerN, c);
            ofstream databaseFile;  //filestream local for output
            bool saveCustomer = false;
            if (checkForCustomerNumber(customerN) != false) { // if the customer isn't in the database
                ostringstream stream; // USED TO MAKE AN INT INTO A STRING. Local stream to keep clear
                stream << c->getCustomerNumber();
                databaseFile.open ("database/databaseFile.csv", ios::app);
                string customerHolder = c->getFirstName() + "," + c->getLastName() + "," + c->getPhoneNumber() + "," + c->getEmailAddress() + ","  + stream.str()  + "\n"  ;
                databaseFile << customerHolder;
                saveCustomer = true;
            cout << "Customer saved Status: " << saveCustomer << endl;
            return saveCustomer;

        bool addCustomer(double customerN, Customer *c) {
            bool addCustomer = false;
            cDatabase[customerN] =  c;
            return addCustomer;



        bool loadCustomers() {
            string firstN, lastN, phoneN, emailA;
            double customerN;
            const int FIRSTNAME = 0;
            const int LASTNAME = 1;
            const int PHONENUMBER = 2;
            const int EMAIL = 3;
            const int CUSTOMERNUMBER = 4;
            //skipped 5 because every new line also runs through the while loop. 
            const int ADDTODATABASE = 5;
            ifstream databaseFile; //file-stream local for input
            databaseFile.open ("database/databaseFile.csv", ios::in);
            string line = "";
            int i = 0;
            double loadedCustomers = 0; //used to keep track of customer loaded.
            while( getline(databaseFile, line, ',')) {
                if (i == FIRSTNAME) {
                    firstN = line;
                }  else if (i == LASTNAME) {
                    lastN = line;
                } else if (i == PHONENUMBER) {
                    phoneN = line;
                } else if (i == EMAIL) {   
                    emailA = line;
                } else if (i == CUSTOMERNUMBER) {
                    double customerNumb = atoi(line.c_str()); 
                    customerN = customerNumb;
                    Customer c(firstN, lastN, phoneN, emailA, customerN);
                    Customer *holder;
                    holder = &c;
                    addCustomer(c.getCustomerNumber(), holder);
                    i = 0; //resetting for next line.
//this is how i was saving a customer to the database. I dont' need to save when loading customers. saving code incase needed//                saveCustomer(c.getCustomerNumber(), c);     

        bool checkForCustomerNumber(double customerN) { //If ID # is within the database, it will return a true that the ID exists
            bool customerNumberMatch = false;
            if((cDatabase.find(customerN)) != (cDatabase.end())) { //if the customer number is the key for the map, it will not reach the end. therein the customer is already in the database
                customerNumberMatch = true;
            cout << "C. Number Match Satus: " << customerNumberMatch << endl;
            return customerNumberMatch;


int main() {
    CustomerDatabase customerDatabase;   //creating database
    Customer JT("Johnny", "Tester", "989-123-4567", "johnnyTester@gmail.com", customerDatabase.newCustomerNumber());    // used to create a test customer

    Customer Test ("This", "is", "a", "test", 100000);
    Customer TT("Timmy", "Tester", "989-989-9898", "Erik@itsaTest.com", customerDatabase.newCustomerNumber());
    Customer *holder;
    holder = &JT;
    customerDatabase.saveCustomer(holder->getCustomerNumber(), holder);
    holder = &TT;
    customerDatabase.saveCustomer(holder->getCustomerNumber(), holder);
    holder = &Test;
    customerDatabase.saveCustomer(holder->getCustomerNumber(), holder);
    Employee EP ("Erik", "Plachta", "123456", "EPlachta");                        //creating test employee
  //  printEmployee(EP);                                                            //making sure employee can login / was created correctly.      

    return 0;

//Customer class looks at database for an ID it wants to use, 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



  1. 您是否需要能够以随机顺序访问容器中的元素? IE浏览器。通过ID查找元素?对此有利的容器是map,unordered_map,vector。列表对此不利,因为您必须遍历列表才能找到所需的元素。

  2. 您是否需要能够以某种预定顺序(例如密钥顺序)迭代值?对此有利的容器是地图,矢量,各种列表类型。

  3. 您是否需要能够在任何给定位置插入元素?或者仅在最后插入是否足够?如果前者那么map,unordered_map,list都不错。如果是后者那么矢量就好了。

  4. 将使用哪种类型的密钥来查找值?您可以按整数查找向量中的条目,但如果您有一个字符串,则需要使用map或unordered_map。

  5. 如果键是数字 - 列表稀疏吗? IE浏览器。序列中会有很大的空白吗?如果是,则向量不太有吸引力,因为可能存在大量浪费的内存。

  6. 您的特征似乎是:

    1. 您需要能够通过ID
    2. 查找客户
    3. 您需要能够遍历列表以打印出数据库。我不确定是否要求按顺序这样做,但我们假设它是。
    4. 看起来好像是在列表的末尾添加新条目。
    5. 键是整数
    6. 我不确定列表是否稀疏。如果你从中间删除了很多客户,那么可能会有差距。
    7. 如果不是最后一点,矢量实际上可能是比地图更好的选择。向量很便宜,并且对于您将使用的大多数操作都具有高性能。

      无论如何,如果您确定地图是最好的,根据您对应用程序的了解,那么当您遍历地图时,迭代器指向容器的value_type,在地图的情况下,输入std :: pair,其中K是键类型,V是值类型。此值类型存储您使用&#39; first&#39;访问的密钥和值。和第二个&#39;成员。

      for (it = cDatabase.begin(); it != cDatabase.end(); it++) {
          cout << "Key: " << it->first << endl;
          cout << it->second->getFirstName() << endl;